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  1. Delta Skeltah

    Am I Hippity hip hop?

    You are hiphop, don't question it. And keep battling and keep pressing forward. And most importantly, just have fun with it. Yo, I read somewhere that ur on the mpc live, well, I'm on the mpc one and I picked up some tips that I wanna share with you. I notice you swing a lot of ur drums and I...
  2. Delta Skeltah

    Beat This! Competition - August 24-25, 2022

    Big up @Armani got my vote.. @TWU nearly had mine just because of armani's mix sounds a little better imo. Twu had the vibe I like, but ultimately I gave it to armani. Could of went either way imo. @Walidank always a crowd fave. @BassThumper another flavor I like. I appreciate beats like this...
  3. Delta Skeltah

    Beat This! Competition - August 24-25, 2022

    Three that I really like. I'm pretty sure I can pick out Arvin and andantes mix. G'luck fellas.
  4. Delta Skeltah

    Makoto Matushita - "Sunset"

    Didn't come out the way I thought it would. Oh well. Maybe @TWU will have my back on this one.
  5. Delta Skeltah

    Autotune needs to die off already

    My family listens to this type of music on Xm radio everywhere we go. I get it tho, they ain't trying to head nod. They're just vibing. Thats when I put in the earbuds.
  6. Delta Skeltah

    Autotune needs to die off already

    Lmaooo I try to be open about new music but damn, I just keep gravitating to the music we came from. Ultra magnetic, preemo, Group home, too many to name. I know this comment I am about to say is subjective, but I feel our era sounds better.
  7. Delta Skeltah

    The Suffering

    I really enjoyed this one. Original instrumentation? So dope. The snare sounds good on my end, but I do agree with sole with the flute being a tad too loud. Nothing major though. Are you on the mpc?
  8. Delta Skeltah

    Warzone Beat Battle - August 19-20, 2022

    @DiFKiNCHi I appreciate you rocking the sound you have. Love to hear some more.
  9. Delta Skeltah

    Warzone Beat Battle - August 19-20, 2022

    @facevalid salute, you killing shit too. I see ur name up there all the time.
  10. Delta Skeltah

    Warzone Beat Battle - August 19-20, 2022

    Bullshit is correct. Auto correct must've changed networks on me lol.
  11. Delta Skeltah

    Warzone Beat Battle - August 19-20, 2022

    Like @Inside said, Congrats who did not use samples. @Armani congratulations. Ur killing it this season. My hat is off too you, sir. @InsideOutBeats love the drums. Got a beautiful reverb on the snare.
  12. Delta Skeltah

    Warzone Beat Battle - August 19-20, 2022

    Bro, I said the same thing. I though face was 2good lol. Thx for the tip on using NBC orchestra. Definitely want to integrate plugins into my samples. Your horns sound very good btw. And that outta my mind vocals is sick. Congrats.
  13. Delta Skeltah

    Warzone Beat Battle - August 19-20, 2022

    Not bashing anyone's work, but it's hard to get a good horn sound without sampling. Fade said this many times. Tough theme for me. Curious, any plugins that offer a realistic brass sound?
  14. Delta Skeltah

    Warzone Beat Battle - August 19-20, 2022

    Imo we should be building instead of destroying other artist's work.
  15. Delta Skeltah

    Warzone Beat Battle - August 19-20, 2022

    Ty, for that reply. I am guilty for making such comments in the past but realized that its just bad energy.
  16. Delta Skeltah

    Diamond D - THE REAR VIEW

    "The only Ls I see I smoke". Love to see the older emcees putting out music. Dope share.
  17. Delta Skeltah

    MF Doom - Doomsday

    I have no idea if Doom got the Tim's back lol. Yeah, if you dig through ghostface killahs interviews with Anthony fantoni, ghost talks a little bit about DOOM. Any little insight about metal fingers always grabs my attention. Dope thread, brother.