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  1. voorheezMP


    I ReSPeCT THaT. I THiNK He MiXeD iT uP ª BiT........... iT'S a LiL oF BoTH öN THeRe... i LiKe THa GRoWTH iN HiM........iT'S a WeLL PuT ToGeTHeR aLBuM...i LiKe HiS SKiTz Too.....THaT'S oNe THiNG i LoVe aBouT HiS ALBuMz .........
  2. voorheezMP


    eXPeCTeD MoRe?..................... THaT SHiT iZ HoT!!! WHaT Do You eXPeCTe? eVeRY TRaCK iZ BLaZiN'!!!! o THaT SoNG "oNe MiC oNe DJ" WiT SKiLLz........CRaZY HoT......i CaN Go oN aND oN BouT PeTe'S CD.......... BuT You iNTiTLeD 2 Ya oWN oPiNioN............PHiLSiaRRi MuCH LoVe.
  3. voorheezMP


    DaMN!! 19DoLLaRz i CoPPeD MiNe FoR 14.99 YeaH THaT {{SouL SuRViVoR II}} BeauTiFuL DeMoNSTRaTioN oF ReaL HiPHoP.... WiSH i CouLD HeLP You ouT RiLLa BuT i'M iN NewJeRSeY.
  4. voorheezMP


    YeS THa TRaCK WiT CL aND TaLiB ïŽ SiCK.......BuT PReTTY, BeauTiFuL TraCK. aND THaT TRaCK WiT SLuM ViLLaGe.........CRaZY BaNaNaZ!!!!!! I ₤Øv€ THeM SHiTz...... YeaH THa oNe WiT LB! & THa oNe WiT THa RZa aND Da GZa HÕT!!!!!!! THa WHoLe CD HeaVY!!!! i i CoPPeD iT THRee TiMeS..... i'M SuPPoRTiN'...
  5. voorheezMP


    DaMN iT'S BeeN a WHiLe SiNCe i LaST WaS HeRe!!! See THe SiTe BeeN THRouGH aN uP GRaDe.... NiCe To See YaLL aGaiN. aNYWaYZ........ i WaNNa NoW WHo CoPPeD oR HeaRD THaT "SOUL SURVIVOR ll" aLBuM? i SaY iT's {{{CLaSSiC}}}!!!!!!!!! WHaT Do YaLL THiNK?
  6. voorheezMP

    dopest hip-hop duo... ever?

    1.) Pete Rock & CL Smooth 2.) OutKast 3.) GangStarr 4.) BlackStar 5.) DeaD PreZ
  7. voorheezMP

    new pete rock and cl smooth

    I'm in tearz over here:bawling: listen to tha new Pete Rock & CL Smooth shit. oh itz a beautiful thing Yo that shit iz hotta def!!!!!!! Can't wait to hear this album when it droppz. i know it's gonna be a masterpiece!!!! Pete Rock's one of tha best that ever did it!!! :clap:
  8. voorheezMP

    What cologne do you wear?

    1.)KeNNeTH CoLe NeW YoRK<<< LaDieS LoVe!!!! 2.) iSSeY MiYaKE<<< LadieS LOve aSLo!!!! 3.) aRMaNi MaNia<<<<gone but good!!! 4.) HaPPY for MaN<<< some good shit!!
  9. voorheezMP

    Selling your Beats

    AyO BIGD send me that info to for tha one in NYC and MD i need to hit one of them. ..........Whuddup Fantom
  10. voorheezMP

    E-mu Sp1200

    I love yall Nuccaz for keepin' it gritty. I can say I bought it. But took it back for tha mp3000. But....I still want one. Katz be sayin' why? I'm like you don't understand. 1st off you getz ta be ª tru......tru.... Hip Hop lover/BEATMAKA. And if you don't sample why bother. Like tha MP, tha SP...
  11. voorheezMP

    Low end Theory (not the album)

    YO!¡! THA LoW eND THeRoY. I thought that ª Tribe Called Quest album?...............hehehe. Well when I sample, I put tha same sample in to Π channelz EQ one high & EQ one LoW. So I can make tha sample thin(highz) or thick(lowz) when choose. At tha same tyme it gives you more control over your...
  12. voorheezMP

    Any 1 post and check this site from there Danger Hiptop/T-Mobile sidekick.

    Yo Yo!¡!!! What's up to my illmuzik peepz. Yo!¡! Fantom my bad dude I haven't been on in a minute, but I'm back now. What's good Guevara how you made out? Y€ªh yall copp one of these sidekickz they hott. As you can see I'm Ν mine now, if you see sum letters missin'.........hehehe Áyo!¡! Someone...
  13. voorheezMP

    What is Your favorite Instrument?

    I don't know if is bein' answered . But my instrument is tha Drum in which I play, live. As for a sound I use in a beat will haveto be tha bass. I surf around for other sounds but I use tha same bass on every record. I don't know why cuz I have tonz of them.
  14. voorheezMP

    Alicia Keys is Back!!!

    Come on Man!!!! She'z Hott and all but she ain't thick, skinny ass! Don't get me wrong i want her "New CD" that new song iz {{{{{BLAZIN'}}}}!!!!! What planet you STAFFCHAMP! THAT AIN'T NO...
  15. voorheezMP

    Have any of U ever been played selling your beatz?

    Industry rule Tip did say that and itz true. Katz are alwayz tryin' to get over. That's why we get contractz now.... Use them!!! But dude I've been there. Itz f@*ked up now, but it will hurn him l8a "dakarma" baby!!!
  16. voorheezMP

    people who buy beats on the net

    Yeah I feel that. I'm new to this internet thing I'm thinkin' about tryin' to sell a couple on here. Cuz I get that sh*t around here, there's a million emceez around me they all want freebeez. So caught up in fashion lookin' like video ho's instead of an artist. Muzik first, they go out a buy...
  17. voorheezMP

    The Pattern is all the same!

    Oh Nodout!, Fatz that's who make me want to "ROCK". #1 Soul Brother check all of his work. Go to to check out some of his latest work. "Tha Beat Generation" and to anyone else who don't know about that. If I'm not mistakin' itz U.K. Based. I want to do an album for. Yo! Fatz you...
  18. voorheezMP

    November 16-20, 2003 - Comments/Questions

    Yo!!! Can I sign in as tha WORLD? If tha USA don't have no more room be tyme I get my internet soundz funny but {{{{SERIOUS}}}}!!!!!! Here someone take this I had enuff..............................{{{{Cough}}}}
  19. voorheezMP

    What up

    Welcome!!! What's up man? Hope ya like it here. Enjoy! Bring on tha "HEAT" baby, bring it!!!
  20. voorheezMP

    New Beat Contest Mpc Emu Akai Ensonique Motif

    Yo! I'm holla at him his been I dalab cookin' up some new heat. Ain't had tha tyme to post up. But I'm pretty sure he's down. "LET'S ROCK OUT!!!" ........Some body{{{SPARK!!}}}sumin'