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  1. S

    New to MPC - Question

    Yeah, I'll prolly be better off with the Maschine combo soft/hardware. Relic, are your plans to go from an MP to a Maschine, or are you going to somehow use both, etc. I'm still trying to figure out what integrates with what as far as soft/hardware hard/hardware goes, etc. Thanks for the...
  2. S

    New to MPC - Question

    Thanks guys...I've decided on either the 1000 or the Maschine. A little more reading and I'll be able to make my decision. Thanks again.
  3. S

    New to MPC - Question

    What's up, I am in the process of buying an MPC. Not sure whether it's gonna be a 500,1000,or 2000 yet. But my main question is...say I'm using software now [where to drag sounds into the pads]. Do the MPs connect well with the computer [as well as other equipment], so that you can just...