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  1. SkullFaceBeatz

    Is Rap Music Dead?

    Agreed, I probably should have put it differently, but I am not English.
  2. SkullFaceBeatz

    Is Rap Music Dead?

    I am 15 years old, and alot of people from my generation aren't interested in hearing the classics from hip hop; Nas, Mos Def, Talib Kweli, KRS, Tribe Called Quest, Rakim. Hip Hop is dying. Of course there is still alot of hip hop out there (Rhymesayers Entertainment, StonesThrow Records) but...
  3. SkullFaceBeatz

    New Young Producer

    Hi! I am a young producer, and I am trying to sell beats and breakthrough in the industry. Right now I am selling beats right here: I also do some graphics; the beat selling website above and my signature picture are made by me. I hope I can help...