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  • warzone (jan 14-18) signup begins in...
  1. M

    opinions on cubase se

    quack, are you able to record into cubase se?? like if i wanted to record my beats into it from my mpc 2000?? also, are you able to burn what you record onto cd when your done??
  2. M

    opinions on cubase se

    Any one use it? happy? im considering this software for my beats and to burn cd's.
  3. M

    getting music from mpc to laptop

    i will look into some sort of card. thanks. can you recommend any basic software to record and burn beat cd's on my laptop???
  4. M

    getting music from mpc to laptop

    hello. How would i go about getting music from my mpc 2000 into my mac powerbook laptop so i can burn cd's of my beats? im trying to do this as cost effective as possible. ...or is there a decent stand alone cd recorder anyone can recommend?
  5. M

    motif 6 or triton or...

    nah, i didnt take it the wrong way at all. i also do layer my kicks with an 808. i guess im just trying to get snares with hard attacks and nice pillowy low end kicks with nice attack. i just love how dj premeir drums sound.
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    motif 6 or triton or...

    i completely understand. ive tried layering and all those things, but its still lacking for me. i was just asking if other keyboards would have a better set of drums sounds is all.
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    motif 6 or triton or...

    i do sample drums, but you can only go so far in my opinion (for single hits) and enjoy the backup of a keyboard. ill check out your idea. any specific recommendations?
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    motif 6 or triton or...

    Ive had a motif 6 for about 2 months now, and i am not to satisfied with it. mostly the drum sounds, i find, are lacking. it also seems to be overly complicated. if anyone has experience with multiple keyboards, please give me your input. should i trade it in for a triton, something newer...
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    mpc 2000 sample rate

    can the sample rate on the mpc 2000 be changed???
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    motif 6 eq/sounds/saving questions

    classic, im sure im might be overlooking something simple, but the problems is still there. whenever i try to switch voices, it changes up my current recorded pattern/sequence on my mpc. and the manual doesnt seem to mention this situation either. any other pointers?? how do i get into...
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    motif 6 eq/sounds/saving questions

    thanks for the info classic. i tried changing it to multi (which is in edit correct?) and it still changes on me. i will keep trying though. thanks.
  12. M

    motif 6 eq/sounds/saving questions

    i did find that post because i remembered it from last time. its still doing it to me though. i have my drum pattern down, and as soon as i switch sounds, it changes up on me. i understand that each midi port has 16 chanels for sounds, but its almost as if my drums dont want to stay on 1a. as...
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    motif 6 eq/sounds/saving questions

    whats up? i am controlling my motif 6 on my mpc 2000. i am getting sound and recording drums. track 1- high hat track 2- kick etc... when i go to change sounds (voices) on the motif to lay something over the drum pattern ive recorded, it changes the drum sounds to whatever i change to...
  14. M

    I have been blessed with vinyl, now what?

    classic, since you have so many records, you should take notes one each one and put them in the sleeve for future referance. example, track 2 good break, track 6 horn stab etc.. this will keep you sane in the long run. also, you can start accumulating and saving sounds to one disk, like all...
  15. M

    Help With Motif 6 And Mpc 2000.

    yep, you beat me to it. i was just coming back to tell you no to worry. when i realized that midi isnt audio, i decided to plug my headphones into the motif and play the pads on the mpc, and sure enough, there they are. i knew it had to be something stupid. i will do what you said with my...
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    Help With Motif 6 And Mpc 2000.

    classic, that is what ive been doing and i just re did it again now while reading your post. im thinking that it must be something to do with the motif 6 since i am not getting signal to the pads. any pointers for the motif 6 part of it?? in the midi section?? also, im just listening through...
  17. M

    Help With Motif 6 And Mpc 2000.

    i recently bought a motif 6, and ive had an mpc 2000 for a few years now, and this is the first time im playing with midi or trying to use 2 machines together in any way. basically, i would like to play the sounds from the motif 6 on the pads of the mpc 2000. i have connected the midi cables...