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  1. S

    Crazy people on FB defaming Obama

    There's tons on info in those links, why couldn't you have spent a little of the time you spent on that lengthy response, which referenced only your opinions, to actually tie the info into your argument? You can write an essay but you refuse to actually infuse supporting data into it? I'm sorry...
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    Crazy people on FB defaming Obama

    Eh, not necessarily. If most of those hundreds of thousands of regulations are weak, or if they were instituted so far in the past that they really don't address the problems we face in the current day, then we surely do need more regulation. I think an apt comparison to the situation on Wall...
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    Crazy people on FB defaming Obama

    You put up a bunch of links, but you gave no indication of what information on those pages backs up your point of view, much less an explanation on how they illustrate that what you believe is true. For example, how is a database of the the likely thousands of regulatory actions done by the...
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    Sampling Classical Music

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    Kanye at his best (worst?) lol

    Kanye is a bitch, but it shows where our priorities are when Kanye gets more outrage for interrupting the meaningless MTV awards than a congressman does for interrupting a presidential address.
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    Crazy people on FB defaming Obama

    Is it any surprise Joe Wilson came up under Strom Thurmand? Mufucka probably has difficulty respecting President Obama as a man, much less the President. Pretty much all those Repugs was lookin' very salty. By the way: The...
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    Crazy people on FB defaming Obama

    Tell that to all the people who have killed as a result of racism over the years, who have been wrongly jailed, beaten, etc. If racism stayed at the feelings level what you say would be true. Unfortunately people act on those feelings.
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    Crazy people on FB defaming Obama

    Damn, Barney Frank shut that dumb ass broad down.
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    Crazy people on FB defaming Obama

    Obama has said over and over and over and over again that people will have a choice to stay with their current health care plans. The 'it will kill old people' shit is laughable and you should be ashamed of yourself either for buying into, or for trying to spread the misinformation if you in...
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    Crazy people on FB defaming Obama

    Good points. I always find it funny that conservatives are the ones always screaming about freedom when they are the ones who are always trying to infringe on the rights of those outside of their group.
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    Crazy people on FB defaming Obama The United States is #50 in the world in life expectancy. Canada is #8. They must be doin' something right. Add on to that, go to a US emergency room and see how long you wait. You'll be longing for that 3...
  12. S

    Singers Better Than Mariah Carey

    It seems the OP is basing his opinion on what makes a good singer based on his opinion of their overall artistry as opposed to their vocal ability. I'm just guessing, because no criteria seem to have been established by him. The fact is, however, 99+% of the time, vocal range/the ability to hit...
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    This doesn't look good...

    First, I wanna say that we should keep an eye on Obama and anyone with power. I'm just not gonna jump to these wild Hitler, forced labor, concentration camp conclusions people keep pushing. Sorry, not watching 'The Obama Deception' or anything else Alex Jones. That guy has no credibility. This...
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    This doesn't look good...

    That is scary. That isn't Obama speaking though, that's Rahm Emmanuel three years ago talking about his own book. Good thing Rahm isn't President. LOL at the title of the video. Passing off ideas from Rahm Emmanuel's book from 3 or more years ago as Obama's plan for a draft.
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    This doesn't look good...

    link? I follow this stuff a fair bit and I haven't seen or heard that.
  16. S

    This doesn't look good...

    Not gleaned reading your mind, from a previous conversation where you stated your anti government leanings. Though perhaps I should've added the word federal to be more specific. you haven't really given any real specifics on how government a initiative essentially to figure out how to...
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    This doesn't look good...

    Here is the rest of section 4: 2) train leaders in public service organizations to better utilize individuals committed to national service and volunteerism as they manage human and fiscal resources; (3) identify and offer solutions to the barriers that make it difficult for some individuals...
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    This doesn't look good...

    People need to stop listening to Alex Jones and Glenn Beck, it's makin' y'all paranoid.
  19. S

    Yay, beat jacking!

    LOL, I thought this was gonna be about Charles Hamilton. As to this, not funny. Expose that beat beat jacker
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    Weekly Flip 03/21/2009

    I've got some downtime in between flights, I might try somethin'