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  1. P

    Interviews Dr Khil

    Thank you Fellas :) "Keep Bangin' Baby!"
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    Interviews DJ Skinny - Part 2

    "Keep Bangin' Baby!"
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    Man tries to pay bill with a picture of a spider...

    LMAO!! Word! Funniest shit is when he was telling her to send the spider back and BUT wait there is a missing leg!! OMG!!! T-mobile WATCH out!!
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    Which is Sexier rhe MILF or the PYT

    LMAO omg omg I wish I could "quote" all you horny bastids! lmao! where shall I start..... Where The Fuck is Fade and Relic? Im surprised they dont have something to "never misses a thread" And what the hell is a cougar Smash? lol... lmao@ still "do-able", my best friend...
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    Which is Sexier rhe MILF or the PYT

    who is this dude and wtf is his problem?
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    Which is Sexier rhe MILF or the PYT

    WHOA!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!? WTF Bring it pimpin'! (crax knuckles)
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    Which is Sexier rhe MILF or the PYT

    ::spits kool-aid from laughter:: OMG!! Thinking I may have walked in at the wrong time! LMAO ya'll are fucking CRAZY! can I join in on this??!! lol Yea I wish there was a "name" for you old farts once ya balls start sagging and the back goes limp after 20 minutes of a session...ummm...
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    What did you do tonight

    I layed in bed bored as shit and watched Labyrinth ((shrugs))
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    Happy B-day Stressy!

    <<jumps out cake>> Happy BirFday!
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    Doublecheck Your Ballots

    Hell yea that's dumb janky and fucking CREEPY! This election keeps getting more interesting as the HOURS go by; I have mixed emotions at this point. I don't know if I should be scared as fuck or happy as a pig in $hit!
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    Worst Halloween costumes

    Fade has all these. ROTMFFCTFUDCOMOS!!! I just LOVE the Village People jump off! Y.M.C.A! MEMORIES!!!!!!!! OMG SoN! I 'memba wearing those hot as masks. I used to cut my tongue trying to stick it out the little ass hole! (please dont ask me why I did that) You had dumb clothes on...
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    Footage of my Beat Battle @ Element Lounge!!!

    Hey--- DOPE ASS BEAT in "sudden death" What and how'd you come up with that? That shit is SWEET! I think you were robbed also--I mean the proof is in the pudding!! Did his dancing throw everybody off? Dude DID have some hypnotic moves---I found myself doing the "robot" ANWAY!! :-p Sway the...
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    greetings earthlings

    Welcme! Keep that fire (curiousity) brewing inside you, you're from the Bx---you are "built" for this!! (beats) ha-ha!!
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    Custom Urls?? How to get one???

    We can go back and forth all day about what sucks and what doesn't---Godaddy works for me but that's me. What rocks my boat may sink yours and flip side----- :-) This is a great example of "to each his/her own" I guess the best advice to give right now would be to just do the research on...
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    Custom Urls?? How to get one???

    I agree with is the move, I've used it myself. Good luck
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    Any Home STD Kits?

    YES REL!!!! SMH at you men NOT knowing that---look it up it's true! You don't have to "shoot" more than a drop kid to get KIDS!! lol I mean I'm not sure on the odds and all that but the possibilities of impregnating a woman on pre cum are just about the same as us getting preggo on the pill...
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    Any Home STD Kits?

    Damn---WHERE do I begin--((sips Corona::but not TOO much)) haha! I hope homie is ok. BUT besides all of that---WHY does she have to be a "bitch" ((OH BOY HERE "SHE" GO)) I'm not here to protest and "burn my bra" just kicking some real shit---He got DRUNK it could have been a chick from church...
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    This site

    LMAO@ Jelly mods! But you guys are very welcoming specially to a "chick" just trying to hear some good vibes and learn more of the production side of hip hop. I was a lil nervous at first but I must agree with Cell---ya'll are ALLLLLRIGHT!!
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    A really good read about undergroud hip hop and mainstream

    lol! AMEN!! He went from it all "fallin" down cause couldn't nobody tell him nuffin to "flashing lights" and bling ((shrugs)) think I may be going off subject but--- In my opinion and it's just my THOUGHTS Kanye kinda did a back flip---or maybe I'm hating---or maybe I don't get it. Or maybe the...
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    Trav Williams Interview

    Great job Kon! Trav is def. that hip hop dope!! I Can't wait to see him when he comes to NYC!!!!