1986 World Series Re-Enacted in RBI baseball (original sound)

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Guess Who's Back
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 9
This shit is tight haha. Some guy re-enacted, to a T, the 'amazing' game six of the 1986 world series with the original sound from the actual game (not the video game..) i didnt se the 1986 one.. i wasnt born so i was all in suspense and shit. just look


The Bastard

it hurts even watchin this on a video game,shit aint right


The Beat Strangler
illest o.g.
Hahahhaha yeah I saw this the other day, good shit. I wanna see something like this but with Karate Champ! That was my game back in the day.

It's amazing how far we've come with games though, I'm hooked on MVP Baseball 2005 right now.

Big Tone

You done fucked up
ill o.g.
that was one of the greatest nights in my life


ill o.g.
that wuz funny as hell i saw that last night ...

The Bastard

Fade said:
I'm hooked on MVP Baseball 2005 right now.
that game is serieous , i got it for pc, havent played it in a while tho, back on topic,that poor bastard bill buckner he must have never got a full ights sleep after that night. what a sin