a question for my canadians.

50 cal

King of the West
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 1
ok, i've been thinking about this for a couple of days, so here it goes.
In the u.s they they refer to my people as african americans so in canada do they call blacks african canadians.


ill o.g.
No Cuz Canada Dont Got a Big African Community Most Black people here Come off West Indian Descent SOme Dumb Old White Guys on TV do though I guess they think That Is Politcally Correct

My Cousins From New York Also Get In fights with the Teachers when they call them African American


I am proud to be southern
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 90
CampO said:
No Cuz Canada Dont Got a Big African Community Most Black people here Come off West Indian Descent SOme Dumb Old White Guys on TV do though I guess they think That Is Politcally Correct

My Cousins From New York Also Get In fights with the Teachers when they call them African American

Yea most black people in canada (UK and eurpoe as well) are first and second generation west indians our africans. They dont have a native black population like in the states or other parts of the world


Black People in nova scotia are considered afro candians, becasue unlike black people from the rest of canada, most black nova scotians are decendents of run away slaves that escaped to canada during slavery. They have been there for generations and have their own native culture just like african americans. Its funny casue only in nova scotia to blacks suffer from the same soical problems that african americans do. Everywhere else in candada black people are doing pretty good. I think is becasue like african americnas, nova scotians have lost a sense a culture and are seaching for some sort of connection.
Typically isent a problem that west indians or africans suffer from

Something to think about....



ill o.g.
Yep Class Got it Right there , there is a Big Afro-Canadian Population IN Scotia I forgot 2 Mention and its funny Cuz what Class Mentioned about the Social Problems Black Scotians suffer seem to be true Based on the 1's ive met (not to many though 4 or 5 )

But Then Again Nova Scotia isint Really a Diverse Province When you think about it