Anybody else gettin "Red X's"?

ill o.g.
Battle Points: 68
Hey, whenever I come to the home page,where the images should be, I get Red X's! Anyone else getting this? I bet its my PC. It's probably the same reason I can't see animated avatars....I'm a Network Professional,,,,I'm not familiar with hardware too much. anyone here know what can be causin this?


Paradigm P
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 74
Yea I started getting that shit too on the homepages a few days ago.


I experience that sometimes too, mostly with the forum homepage, but also with the mainpage sometimes. I usually just press F5 (refresh) 1-2 times and then the icons/pictures show up.


Paradigm P
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 74
StressWon said:
Yeah Fasde..all the pics on the Home page. And the pics on the Mercury Waters Interview.
Same here, except the interview was ok for me.


The Beat Strangler
illest o.g.
I think you need to lay off the weed or something.... Everything shows up for me and a few other people I've asked to check it.

Maybe you happened to see the red x's when the database was down? Who knows.


Perhaps the "Red X's" are your eyes Stress...?

By the way, I found this picture of you Stress...courtesy of Dacalion.


  • clown.jpg
    23.1 KB · Views: 84


LOL! yeah, i've always been a fan of Celine Dion and KFC, preferably at the same time...


The Beat Strangler
illest o.g.
Here's what happened a while ago:

-People were "hotlinking" some of the images on here. Hotlinking if you don't know is when someone takes the URL of the image and pastes it in the image source on their own site (or on some other message board for example). Doing this means that every time someone views the IllMuzik image on some other site, it adds to IllMuzik's bandwidth. So I had to find a way to prevent it.

-I put a bunch of code in a file to prevent hotlinking but then red x's showed up all over the IllMuzik pages! Anyway, I fixed it. But when you said you were getting red x's, I thought it might have been from the code again, but like you said - it's your firewall. Firewalls can be a real pain...


Paradigm P
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 74
I didn't change my firewall, but i haven't gotten the x's in a minute. They kind of just "Fade"ed away..... Get it? Fade-ed away? Ha ha ha ha aaaaa... Shit, I'm sober. Sorry bout that.


Paradigm P
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 74
Fade said:
Hey Clever I thought I saw you downtown Montreal today, lol. Good thing I didn't walk up like "OH SHIT SUP YO?!?!".
lol that wouldve been funny if you did!