Anyone with a Motif - please help...

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Beat's Disciple
ill o.g.
i dont think this applies to the rack version, though im not sure...

basically iv been inspired by Class (yes iv been readin some of ur posts on drums) to break away from using the drums straight from the Motif 90% of the time. im not a newb its just iv been pretty lazy.

anyway iv figured out how to make drum kits from samples/resampling the motif drums, but when i come to EQ each drum (as individual elements) i end up with the whole drumkit (''common'') having the same EQ levels, which isnt good. i know there is a way to tweak each drum individually but how?

also, after iv EQ'd the drum kit in Voice mode, i go to use that drum kit in Pattern mode and each sample is dry again - just the same as the orginal sample with none of my tweaking... anyone know how to get the same sound as in Voice mode as in Pattern mode?

this is all another language to most people but if u got a Motif i think u shud understand.



Paradigm P
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 74
you should go to and register. i've had many issues solved with their forums.