Bass Eq Suggestions?!



Im trying to get a very even sound across my whole tracklist for my album that Im mastering. I do not have a subwoofer to EQ with but I need a decent bass response and have all the tracks at an even level for when they hit subs in a car. Whats your suggestions on getting this correct?

By the way I have Sonar and Cool Edit Pro that Im working with for this.


a subwoofer is important. cuz when you dont have one you cant hear (feel) the freq-area of it when editing with a EQ, unless your monitors have a low freq to hear. sorry for my bad english


Razheed said:
a subwoofer is important. cuz when you dont have one you cant hear (feel) the freq-area of it when editing with a EQ, unless your monitors have a low freq to hear. sorry for my bad english

I agree - just don't have one yet. Im trying to figure out what I can use in the meantime such as somethin visual to determine what amount of the sub woofer frequency's to put in the track and what to use to determine that.