Bin. to Wav. (converting akai to Wav.)

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ill o.g.
Battle Points: 33
Ok does anyone know of how to convert that bin. file that every akai sample disc seems to contain?

Theres a Bin. file and a Cue. file and i tried using a couple prgms like chicken systems and one other that i cant even remember now but i had no luck figuring it out?

Is there any simple way to do this? Or are there any softwares that you can recomend to use that are straight foward with less hassle?
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 3
.bin + .cue are iSO. iSO=an image of a cd.
you will have to burn it using nero for example.
the option in nero is called 'Burn Image'.
good luck!
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 3
nero can read all the images (.iso,.nrg,.bin+.cue).
after you will burn the cd, the cdr will contain the program\sample cd etc'.
don't forget to edit the .cue before you burn (delete any unnecessary info if needed *only*. info like file locations etc'. if needed point to the correct location).
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 3
you may edit the .cue by opening notepad\wordpad\any text editor.
in 75% of the cases, it doesn't need any further changes. try to burn the image as it is. if you get any errors, then you shall know to edit the .cue.
good luck mate!


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 33
Ok but it wont let me burn tha Bin and tha Cue at tha same time???
It only lets you choose one file at a time to burn - thats even if i hold control and try to select another file like tha bin if i already selected tha cue - so what do i do?.....Do you only burn tha cue file then?
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 3
the cue file + the bin file = one package. the cue is just the information. the bin is the image itself. in nero - you should choose the cue file.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 33
ok this shits startin to agrivate me now...I wasted another cd and it doesnt even do anything???
I burned jus tha cue file and when i put it back in tha drive to look at what it burned there appears to be nothing there - why tha hell is that?
So then i tried burning a nrg. file that was converted from an akai disc and when i look at whats on tha disc it does tha same thing???


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 33
I think i figured it out!
I looked on google for while and found a prgm that extracts tha files for you after you burn to disc....its called cdXtract and it supports all tha formats i can possibly think of....So ima give it a try and see what happens - i think its gonna work this time.LOL. I hope.LOL.



ill o.g.
Battle Points: 33
Problem solved!
Everything is solid now - I converted everything to soundfonts since that was tha most universal extension i found it converted to....
I tried them out in reason and everything is good!

Thanks for all tha help Wings - and that link was real usefull.

ill o.g.
Battle Points: 3
hey mate, yea - CDXtract is one of the programs that lets you view the content of an akai cd. happy it worked out!