Channel EQ tutorial.


ill o.g.
Someone share a good tutorial in regards to the Channel EQ. How do you make sure your mixes are good?


ill o.g.
An easy tip to using the channel EQ is to start of with the factory settings depending on what it is you be Eqing (Kick, snare, guitar atc) then adjust to taste from there.

Otherwise what I think anyone would agree with me on, is that know what it is you want to Eq first before even assigning the Channel Eq on.

As in, if it´s a kick you´re running through the EQ, then just be clear on if you trying to add some punch to it, take out some low end spectrum off of it etc....

Then it´s much easier to know what to fiddle with on the Channel EQ.

Otherwise, Factory Settings is a good place to start on.

I would love to run a tutorial on it but then I would need to upload the corresponding sound samples to it as well.....major pain. Any tutorial on Eq-ing would work just the same with the Channel EQ plug-in.