Exporting Issue with Midi in Reason

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ill o.g.
Battle Points: 33
K, i already chatted with Freak about this a bit, and from his perspective there isnt anyway to fix this unless u open another prgm to alter the issue....

Heres the deal:

I would like the export some of my songs from reason as MIDI to then upload to my phone as a ringer since the phone i have plays midis....

What happens tho when i export everytime is ALL of my sounds get converted into a default sound which is a dam piano everytime - shits wierd, cuz all the notes and sounds are there, but there all being played as a piano instrument?!.......

How do i get the original sounds to export properly in the midi sequence???

This ones kinda obscure, but i figured its worth a shot since we got a lot of midi intigraters and reason heads here......

Get at me! :)



your phone will basically only play GM - General MIDI

it is only a subset of the MIDI sounds that all the hardware manufacturers agreed on one day. so basically, all your reason samples cannot be played on your phone. my guess is all your stuff is on the same MIDI channel, so is being played on the default sound (piano).

you can read more about GM here


well you can definitely map your sounds to the sounds that are included in GM, but it for sure won't sound the same.. that's why most ring tones sound pretty cheesy.. there aren't many sounds to choose from... but that's the way it goes.. can't go filling up a small phone with samples..
sorry man... wish there was a different answer

DueceMade Ent. said:
Mmmmmmm....Looks like im fucked.....


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 33
No, i feel what ur saying - i did the math.....Its ok if its a little cheesy and not 100% OG like it used to be, but - i do want to still translate my songs into that form of midi so that i can put it on the phone still....

What prgm do i need then?


yo dude..

i haven't put anything on a phone before so i don't know the exact process...
i just found this article tho that might help... looks like you can have maximum polyphony of 4 on most cell phones now .. whiche means, 4 different notes playing at once.

anyway.. check out the article.. hope it helps