Favoured Pianos and String synth/sampler

Iron Keys

ill o.g.
Battle Points: 725
Just seeking your guys experiences with string synths/samplers/romplers(whatever the names are) and which ones you think are the best.

I'm looking for one that has a lot of flexibility in terms of controlling various elements of the sound, including whether the sounds are equally balanced to left/right channels, or whether you want to keep them default panned. (You know how from one instrument the lower you play the more to one side the sound comes from... i'd want to be able to choose it to have a centred feel but sounds stereo still)

Any good opinions for piano ones would be good too.

Much love
~Iron Keys


my korg M3. But if your talking about software.. i'd say philharmonik has some good strings and choirs and nexus has some good piano sounds. Nothing really compares to the M3's pianos and strings though.

check out my beats: