For the ASR 10 Fans!!


ill o.g.
This is for anybody in here who has an ASR 10. Please help... I had to take my ASR 10 apart recently to see if I could fix a
problem I was having. When I put it back together and turned it on,
all I got was a blank display and all my track lights lit up. I
grabbed the ASR service manual from the files section and found out
it was in self test mode? I pushed some buttons on the keyboard and
the characters that the manual said should pop up on the display did
pop up. My problem is I can't get the machine back to normal. Is it
possible that my Digital board is bad? Please help

The Bastard

thats pretty funny ,yur topic title sounded like u were givin away free goodies but the subject is really u askin for help, unfortunatly no asr 10 here,good 1 tho