Ideas\Thoughts\Wisdom (Quotes)

ill o.g.
Battle Points: 3
1. Self Crystalisation: Because the female and male energies in men and women are not in balance this creates an attraction in the physical body for the opposite sex...
If you are able to circulate your energy in a circle, you will not need another woman or another man... because your own female will meet and merge with your own male and you will be the Whole and to be Whole is holy... this is Crystalisation... all the energies of Heaven and Earth, light and dark, positive and negative are crystallized... This is the Mystery of consciousness!!! Otherwise, one remains a man, one remains a woman and both are constantly creating attraction for one another. (Balyogi Premvarni Of Yogant Foundation).

You must realize that you have the right to love beauty. You must prepare to live life to the fullest extent. Of course it takes imagination, but you don't have to be an educated person to have that. Imagination can teach you the true meaning of pleasure. Listening can be one of the greatest of pleasures. You must learn to listen, because by listening you will learn to see with your mind's eye. You see, music paints pictures that only the mind's eye can see. Open your ears so that you can see with the eye of the mind. (Sun Ra)

3. "God loves Black sound." (Roland Kirk)

4. "Y'know, Music is a beautiful thing.
When I'm reincarnated, I'm gonna come back as a musical note!
That way can't nobody capture me.
They can use the hell out of me
but ain't nothin' too much they can do to me.
They can mess me up. They can play the wrong note.
They can play a C, but they can't really destroy a C.
All it is, is a tone.
So I'm gonna come back as a note!"
— Rahsaan Roland Kirk

5. "A great teacher is one who realizes that he himself is also a student and whose goal is not dictate the answers, but to stimulate his students creativity enough so that they go out and find the answers themselves." (Herbie Hancock)

6. Talent is cheap, and many talents treat themselves cheaply. (Bill Evans)

7. In the midst of creating, a person is raised to another level of consciousness that doesn't have that much to do with everyday thinking. It's as if you could imagine life before there were words. (Charlie Haden)

8. It's very difficult for me to dislike an artist......No matter what he's creating, the fact that he's experiencing the joy of creation makes me feel like we're in a brotherhood of some kind...we're in it together." (Chick Corea)

Yours Truly,


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 221
some nice thoughts there. you seem to be going very deep these days, i hope you dont turn too philosophical. dont forget the story about the two philosophers in the desert who were arguing about whether a glass is half empty, or half full. they kept arguing till they eventually died of thirst.


polyphonically beyond me
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 5
afriquedeluxe said:
some nice thoughts there. you seem to be going very deep these days, i hope you dont turn too philosophical. dont forget the story about the two philosophers in the desert who were arguing about whether a glass is half empty, or half full. they kept arguing till they eventually died of thirst.

great insight afrique! yo angel i'm sorry for postin and not reading it at the moment so i have nothing to say about what you wrote as of yet but i will peep it tamorrow at work and edit this comment. yo man stay safe an keep your mindstate placed right next to happiness fa sure, if you want my digits just ask B.. i'm thinkin we have a lot in common
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 3
Wisdom Of Jazz

"Life is a lot like jazz. . . it’s best when you improvise...". George Gershwin

"Make no mistake, this music is for everyone. Jazz is not an exclusive, elite club. Go ahead, listen to your Snoop Doggy Dog, Pearl Jam, Garth Brooks, but add a little Ellington, Basie and Coltrane to your life as well." Christian McBride

"It's very difficult for me to dislike an artist......No matter what he's creating, the fact that he's experiencing the joy of creation makes me feel like we're in a brotherhood of some kind...we're in it together." Chick Corea

"I tell my students, 'It's an important tradition and you have to go back and hear this music and learn its language all the way through. How are you going to know what's new to play, if you haven't listened to everything that's old?'" Jackie Mclean

"When they study our civilization two thousand years from now, there will be three things that Americans will be known for: the Constitution, baseball and jazz music. They're the three most beautiful things Americans have ever created". Gerald Early

“Anyone can make the simple complicated. Creativity is making the complicated simple.” (Charles Mingus)

One Love,