IK Multimedia ARC (How to guide)

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ill o.g.
Battle Points: 73
Ok.....I finally got it installed, measurements taken and plugin working in Ableton!

1) The first thing you're going to want to do is go to http://www.ikmultimedia.com/index.php?Community and register ARC.

Once you register you'll gain access to the user area

2) Once you get your user name and password by email (pretty fast) log into the user area

3) Goto downloads for ARC and download the latest version. Don't even waste your time intalling the one from the CD that comes in the box. It's basically useless and will have to working overtime if you install it. It won't work for you so you'll just end up having to UNINSTALL IT!

3a. While you're there go ahead and download the AUTHORIZATION MANAGER (latest version) because the one that comes on the CD is outdated and won't allow you to authorize JACK!

4) Once you get the lastest version which should be ARC System vers. 1.3.1 you're on your way to success. After a successful install you need to

5) Authorize it! I did it offline because my studio computer is not online. You'll have to create an authorization request file that you will transfer over to a computer that has internet access. U create this file from the user area. I just put it on a mini drive and carried it back over to my laptop that was online.

6) Goto to the file once you have it on a computer with internet access and double click it. It should take u to the IK Multimedia user logon area where after you logon you'll be prompt'd to create an actual authorization file from that request file (remember you use the request file to actually get the authorization file).

7) This file should be in xml format. Once that is created you'll have to drop that back onto your external hard drive to take back to your studio computer. Drag that xml authoriztion fill to the desktop of your studio computer.

8) Open the authorization manager and follow the directions that will tell you how to import the xml authorization file.

U won't gain access to the vst plugin version of the software if you don't authorize it on your computer. It will only lock up your DAW! It says you can take up to 10 days to authorize the software but you won't be able to do anything worth your time until you do.

If you did everything right you can launch ARC in standalone mode and begin taking your room measurements. The diffence between the standalone version on the CD and the upated one that you have to get from there site is that the updated version will ask you which calibrated mic came with your box. There are two versions and you'll be prompt'd to choose the one that you have. The version that comes on the CD doesn't ask u that question therefore it won't give you an accurate reading if you don't install the updated version of the software.

From there take as many measurements as you can. I suggest a minimum of 20 depending on the room size. Take as many as you possibly can for the most accurate room correction.