Internal sound card

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ill o.g.
Battle Points: 73
Ok, my MacBook has been steadfast up until now. I'm running Windows XP by way of bootcamp on my laptop. All of a sudden my internal sound card is M.I.A. Windows is not even recognizing it. Basically says I don't have a sound card.

I've tried the add hardware thing....NOTHING...It'll show my RealTek driver but it has an exclamation mark beside it and says it can't start it. I've uninstalled the driver in hopes that upon reboot windows would find it with absolutely no success.

Before I gut this thing, reinstall my mac os, partition my hard drive (again) and reinstall windows I was wondeing if this has happen to anyone else and what the solution was. My "legit" copy of Ableton Live 7.14 will arrive tomorrow so if I have to start from scratch I will but I'm really trying to avoid installing all my programs and vst's again. It'll take a day at least to get everything back up and running.

Any and all suggestions appreciated!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Digital Smokerings
ill o.g.
smc reset (unplug all cables, detach the battery and wait for 30 secs) after that pram reset (hold command+alt+p+r right after you power on the mac, hold the 4 buttons after the unit restarts for the 3rd time- when you hear the boot sound for the 3rd time).

Go into osx, boot to xp from system prefs. In xp, fire up disc 2 of OSX Leopard and install the bootcamp drivers, then update to 2.1.

Logically, if the sound fails then check if it fails on osx aswell, if not than its not hardware related. If it does than boot up holding D pressed with disc 1 inserted and let it scan. If it outputs an errorcode than write it down and visit the nearest aasp or call applecare.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 73
smc reset (unplug all cables, detach the battery and wait for 30 secs) after that pram reset (hold command+alt+p+r right after you power on the mac, hold the 4 buttons after the unit restarts for the 3rd time- when you hear the boot sound for the 3rd time).

Go into osx, boot to xp from system prefs. In xp, fire up disc 2 of OSX Leopard and install the bootcamp drivers, then update to 2.1.

Logically, if the sound fails then check if it fails on osx aswell, if not than its not hardware related. If it does than boot up holding D pressed with disc 1 inserted and let it scan. If it outputs an errorcode than write it down and visit the nearest aasp or call applecare.

I don't use FL nor have I ever!

I know it's not a hardware issue. Sound card works just fine under Mac Os...thought I mentioned that above...maybe I didn't.

It's definitely just a Windows issue.


Formant..I followed all your advice. If I'm not mistaken " In xp, fire up disc 2 of OSX Leopard and install the bootcamp drivers, then update to 2.1.", is located on the first disc. Windows can't read what's on disc 2. I know when I initially installed bootcamp it was from disc 1. And I already had bootcamp 2.1 on my computer.

The Arkitekt

Something like that happened to my WinXP a while ago, my disk drive and sound card just quit on me (probly because it was a pirated XP, forced me to use my legit Vista). In my case it was something wrong with the Plug and Play Software Enumerator (whtever the fuck that is), look under the device manager and look for that, if it has a yellow exclamation point next to it then ya it's that. I'd google the solution, I got my drives to work so I can back everything up and reformate, but I never got my sound card to work.