Leaving n stuff.

well not LEAVE leave, but I'm taking a break from everything internet related for a few months to focus on lifey stuff sometime in this week. even my collabs. I think mahly is gonna be #1 when I come back. and uhhhhhh yeah. not much to say tbh. just a heads up. good luck n shit.


Big Clit Energy
I was told by @Iron Keys I need to digital detox, thing is I ain't addicted, just addicted to the ILL as it's my safe space.

Iron Keys

ill o.g.
Battle Points: 695
I was told by @Iron Keys I need to digital detox, thing is I ain't addicted, just addicted to the ILL as it's my safe space.

ill is a healthy addiction. I just think you engage in too much thought over things. As opposed to maybe just doing the things.

This overthinking/overtalking about the things seems to serve more as a vessel for procrastination and not doing the thing.

(so you, OGBama. Should stop talking/thinking, and just make beats. 10% talking 90% making 0% excuses. Just make them and post them on ill.)

For the pair of ya... (for separate reasons)



Big Clit Energy
Thanks @Iron Keys and Alan Watts was that dude.


The Beat Strangler
illest o.g.
well not LEAVE leave, but I'm taking a break from everything internet related for a few months to focus on lifey stuff sometime in this week. even my collabs. I think mahly is gonna be #1 when I come back. and uhhhhhh yeah. not much to say tbh. just a heads up. good luck n shit.
Doctor Who Reaction GIF

Sad Arrested Development GIF
Doctor Who Reaction GIF
Come onn I'm pretty sure there'll be some young boys around to fiill my void by filling your voids. Worst case scenario give pappas a call, you'll get a SMG as a cute bonus Christmas gift too!