Master 101 (Control Panel)

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ill o.g.
Illmuzik's now V2.0. so here a few tips to get around.
Edit Options
1.) Set the time to your part of the world by click on User Cp above on the horizontal dark blue line, then click on Edit Options scroll all the way down to Date & Time Options and on the drop down menu select your local time zone, this helps to update your Last Visited Time correctly instead of seeing Fade's time, the default.
Also on this same box for those out there in the world whose week starts on TGIF, you can set this here also.
2.)Are you old school and your modem is still the size of a cereal box, if this is so that means ya need to get with the times, but if you dont want to theres a feature that disables all the extranesses: The Avatars, Signature and so on and so on for you slower modem folks, if you look just above the Date & Time Options Box you'll see Thread Display Options in the box you'll be to disable all these things so the pages load quicker.
3.) Are you ant-social and dont like people all up in ya bee-hive digging for honey and bugging you with Pm's and Mails, just above Thread Display Options, you'll see the Messaging & Notification box on here you'll be able to disable all ways of reaching ya, leaving only Fade with access to you.
4.) A very cool feature Allow Vcard Download located at the complete top, by turning this on it allows fellow Illmuzikers to download A "Vcard" containing your email address and username.
Quick Note: To Accept Any Of These Changes Remember To Select Accept Changes At The Bottom and theres also a Reset Settings which reset everything to default.

The rest of the control panel is very obvious as to their uses
there is the Edit Signature which takes care of the words that you see below each message. Here you can add cool stuff like "I Run Things, Things Dont Run Me" or showcase links to your website, for promotion, but dont get extravagantly overpossessively jumpy now and add too much or profane material here, it'll just get you in trouble with the bigger heads of Illmuzik including myself and you dont want get the bigger heads of Illmuzik on their wrong side it wont be pretty, and sorry pics have been disabled since they are deemed web space hogs.

Then theres is the Edit Email & Password here you can change and edit the information you use to login into illmuzik.

Edit Profile when you click on this the first thing you'll see at the top is Registration Required Information this will just take you back to the edit email & password page, remember this is necessary for all those who rely on the Remember Me option to log in and when suddenly one day the computer Doesn't Remember Me, you'll have to remember what email you had here so the automated system can re-register with new access code.

Stay Tune This Time, Same Place for more to come on mastering V2.0