MPC Repair


Akai Till I Die...
ill o.g.
Hey, if anyone can tell me where would be the best place to send my MPC 4000 to get a minor repair, that would be greatly appreciated. One of my sliders for the "Q-link" is a little loose. I took it with me on a trip and somehow it either rubbed or bumped into something, i'm not sure. Anyway, it still works, I just know later on down the road it's going to start acting up. Thank you in advance. (Be easy)


ill o.g.
yeah you can get that fixed locally in VA. I can fix it for a fee. :) I have fixed mine a few times, its not really that hard to fix. I got all the tech manuals and schemtics for it. It shouldn't be that hard.

Big Tone

You done fucked up
ill o.g.
misscc from this site fixes em.