Naomi Wolf Interview

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Great post and very alarming interview.
Under the cover of financial collapse they are finally going live with the plans.
The problem is, I really dont think people are going to care enough and realise how serious this is until its too late.
The old saying to know your history is to know your future rings true right now.
My advice to anyone right now would be to build little groups of people, family and close friends and their families, and start to have discussions on preparedness for the worst, even if it never happens, although its really happening just as predicted and without delay as I type this.
Yesterday saw massive collapses in the financial markets yet again, the news media is putting the fear into the normal person now by saying that we should expect many job losses and a worsened spiral effect as people cant afford credit bills(due to unemployment) and then making the whole bad debt situation even worse for banks.
The shit has hit the fan, it hit the fan a few years ago, its only now they are finally telling us about it.

Things families should be discussing right now.....

1) What if there was a food shortage?

2) What if there was no electricity?

3)What if the govt became a dictatorship?

4)What if the police started torturing your friends and family?

5)What would you do if a family member just disappeared never to be seen again?

6)How would you react when they come to round you up and load you onto trains headed for concentration camps already built in the USA?

7)What could we do to prevent this?

8)What could we do to fight this?, maybe prevention is already too late.

9)Are we willing to sacrifice our hard earned liberties for slavery and subordination?

10) Do we have some sort of contingency plan?

Hard times are no times for individuals, people need to start organising themselves as self sufficient groups.
The family unit that has steadily been destroyed over the last few decades will need to get its act together and stop chasing selfish dreams of materiality, leave the "Entertainment" alone for a bit and find the time and start to think how they can work together as a team to survive(should the worst ever come to the worst).

These are very serious things worthy of much discussion within families right now.
Now its event horizon, are you going to be prepared or caught out by surprise?

Call me paranoid delusionist, but is it not a delusion when everybody can see it?


Voice of Illmuzik Radio
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 83
^^ You really should move here ..LOL.. There are whole communities dedicated to that train of thought.

NOW, that may be the last time I giggle at you and call you paranoid, because ALOT of what you and Stress have been saying IS in fact comming to pass.
The Order Out of Chaos thing is really starting to ring true.

ill o.g.
Battle Points: 68
word up 2. People ignore or just don't want to believe what is happening. There is no preparation at this point. In other words, you were right,,to fight this should have been done with the generation before ours and even the one before that. (namely our grandparents)

I also believe that the average person on the planet if shown the evidence MAY start to believe what is goin down. Again, what can we do? Prepare for the worst. Just like preparing for a hurricane or natural disaster. The best thing to do at this point is hope we are wrong. But even mainstream media is having doubts,,,Blitzer, Dobbs, Cooper,,,etc.
I think it all depends on how we will react when those that seek to create their utopia do it at what they consider the general ("useless eaters", "resource consumers", "weaker of the species", us to you and me), publics expense.
They decided long ago there was too many of us killing the planet and it is unsustainable, so they got a whole bunch of top scientists and thinkers together at a place called iron mountain back in the 50's i think it was, they were to solve the problem of utopia on earth. They had months to deliberate the matter and were aparently unable to solve it. But the scientists had some startling conclusions, one was to wipe out most of the population of the world through one child policies, deadly vaccinations and secret sterilisation programs, biowarfare and even nuclear warfare. Out of those the only one that hasnt yet been used against us is nuclear warfare, but I wouldnt put its use past them yet.
We have since had eco warfare, now the very earth and its survival is being used against us, when it is the multinational corporations with budgets bigger than nations that are the ones doing the most damage to the earth, through illegal dumping of highly toxic waste into the sea, through logging, through forcing a world dependency on oil when other forms including water as an energy source have been stifled(especially marihuana due to its ability have large quantities of natural oil extracted from the seeds, grow almost anywhere, and be one of the most productive plants known to mankind, but a threat to the chemicals industry)I read that it was the Du Pont family that helped destroy the old thriving cannabis industry so sythetic fibres like nylon could replace hemp and make the du ponts very rich(the Du Ponts are also one of the 13 Illuminati families).
Enough of the cannabis subject thats a different subject.

The fact of the matter is that the ones who consider themselves to have the greatest minds have decided our fates for us, and for most of us there is no future, unless its to serve the masters that seek to save the earth and the future of mankind(mankind being themselves of course, athletes, entrepreneurs, royal families, generally what they consider good breeding stock).
If at best the mass extermination of millions of people doesnt happen, we will be mentally drained through war and starvation and then they will unleash the next ism on us, the next tool to control the masses devised by the latest Karl Marx wannabe.