New(ish) VST.. must check out

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Guess Who's Back
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 9
Its Called FX Teleport.

"FX Teleport is a unique and revolutionary DAW networking solution. From now on it's not only possible, but also very easy, to use as many computers as you want for your DAW. Just launch your favorite VST host on one machine and VST instruments and FX on the others, and enjoy working on your ‘audio processing farm’. You can even dedicate a whole computer to your favorite VST synth."

how it works is through LAN extensions from computer to computer, but there is no latency or jitter problems, from what i've read.

Shits tight, like I have sonic synth 1 and 2, and then sampletank 1 and 2, and that is A LOT of space. and thats only 4 plugins, so all those resources could be used up on another computer.

Check out the homepage for more info (why u may need it, how it works, etc):


The Beat Strangler
illest o.g.
If I'm not mistaken, Teleport has been around for a few years now! It's pretty cool though, I've seen it in action, it really helps improve a setup.


Guess Who's Back
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 9
Fade said:
If I'm not mistaken, Teleport has been around for a few years now! It's pretty cool though, I've seen it in action, it really helps improve a setup.

ur probably right, but i'm sure it will be new to a few heads (like me) i'll try it out and give ya'll a review.

Bobby Ffitch

ill o.g.
damn, that looks ill. everytime i get more that three or four vsts running my weak lil computer slows way down. stupid sampletank.

maybe i can solve my problem, with this and my laptop/

good looks ..


Guess Who's Back
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 9
yea i might have to mess wit this and sampletank.

TREE holla at me


Funky Walker Dirty Talker
ill o.g.
steinberg has a vst link program as well i beleive..

id only wanna do this if i had a rackmount PC or something.. computers are just problems, always needing attention..

UAD1 is the shiz if u are having CPU resource issues


Guess Who's Back
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 9
erkl said:
UAD1 is the shiz if u are having CPU resource issues

can u give us a lil synopsis on what that is plz?