Over 8 Million Got To Vote For Their Leader In Iraq Today


Digital Smokerings
ill o.g.
Word, that's really cool...

The interim party wasting a few billions of funds for the restructuring of Iraq...


to me it's a neverending story with one simply having most of the benefit over the victimized other.

DJ Excellence

ill o.g.
Battle Points: 281


Bastard, I hate to say this but the "new" Iraq will become another Iran where freedom of speech/ expression is no better than Sadam's Iraq. I am of course refering to the Ayatollas
and their importance in the Shia Muslim world.

Maybe I'm a bit pessimistic , ...

Cold Truth

IllMuzik Moderator
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 25

for one thing the fact that they at least get elect someone is a great thing, dont you think?

perhaps certain freedoms will not be given; they are no longer under sadaams psychopathic regime. they at least are given a chance for democracy now.

but, of course, people will something to criticize i am sure. even the iraqi people cant make up their own mind.....

DJ Excellence

ill o.g.
Battle Points: 281
Cold Truth said:

for one thing the fact that they at least get elect someone is a great thing, dont you think?

perhaps certain freedoms will not be given; they are no longer under sadaams psychopathic regime. they at least are given a chance for democracy now.

but, of course, people will something to criticize i am sure. even the iraqi people cant make up their own mind.....

Democracy is a very subjective concept. In the US and Western Europe, we tend be very narrow-minded when it comes to defining what democracy "should be" in other parts of the world.

The fact is, the US govt (and European gvts as well) don't know much about what it means to be Arab, Muslim or Middle-Easterner. . . . hope I don't sound too contradictory.

Cold Truth

IllMuzik Moderator
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 25
let me rephrase this..

they have the oppurtunity to setup their own government. to have a say after being savagely dictated by a lunatic for 30 years.

why is this a negative thing?


Digital Smokerings
ill o.g.
Word..."Should be", we call it a democracy but very few realise there's more to it than a satisfied concensus. That ignorance gives politics the green light to do anything against the ethics of a democracy. In any case, democracy just aint that simple when comparing to the primitive laws of middle east politics. In these "primitive" conditions there's less to fuck with in the hiërarchy of political/industrial heads, in the democracy there's freedom to manipulate and even better, get away with it.

I do understand, it's a bit naive too to think you can make a country go democratic overnight. In my opinion I think the US wants to split n leave asap by means of setting up these elections. Too many screw ups by the US already thusfar and it's a fact that they'll leave a the place in state worse than entered. Rumsfeld didnt give me the impression that it really matters what happens as long as these elections takes place, which is fair to some extend. But if 2/3 of the population is unable to vote then what's there to vote about to actually call it democratically approved off.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 68
This is all bullshit if ya ask me,,,,We can't even get a "real" election to work over here,,,What it comes down to is Bush needed to cover his ass for goin over to Iraq and gettin our people killed for no apparent reason. (should of stayed in Afghanistan.) Setting the Iraq people "free" is a fuckin sham. Another Sadaam will pop out soon and do the same. Stupid. Basically it goes like this,,,we take over Iraq, now impose what WE think is right and they should run things the way WE think will work. Startin to sound a lil too familiar.


The Beat Strangler
illest o.g.
I'm glad for them over in Iraq that they're able to vote now, but I heard that there's something like 7000 candidates?? That's crazy!


Digital Smokerings
ill o.g.
Word, people need to see what's really going down in Iraq and I'm certain most dont even know the half of it, so untill then I remain pessimistic because such opinion creates ignorance when assuming it's already good by their definition.

I wasn't born yesterday you know, they should've put down the UN from the beginning, then get additional global backup to stabilise the country, rebuild in 5 years and then come to terms upon making the country democratic because only then it had the chance of really becoming democratic. It's a good cause indeed, but there no need to rush it only because the soil is getting to hot for the US. Shit's plain amateurism, big mouth but lack the insight to control the situation, not even talking about preparement. The only thing they were about is to set bagdad in flames in order to get curly out his chair and along those lines they stopped thinking ahead.

Cold Truth

IllMuzik Moderator
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 25
StressWon said:
This is all bullshit if ya ask me,,,,We can't even get a "real" election to work over here,,,What it comes down to is Bush needed to cover his ass for goin over to Iraq and gettin our people killed for no apparent reason. (should of stayed in Afghanistan.) Setting the Iraq people "free" is a fuckin sham. Another Sadaam will pop out soon and do the same. Stupid. Basically it goes like this,,,we take over Iraq, now impose what WE think is right and they should run things the way WE think will work. Startin to sound a lil too familiar.

actually, he has said from the very beginning that this was a goal, so him covering for himself doesnt make much sense.

1. sadaam needed to go, period, end of story. the chances of another arising in his place is immaterial; how do you know that? how do you know that the next guy will be the same? what if he isnt? and if he is, at least they elected him in, same as the us and bush. perhaps there were some inconsistancies with our own election; i am willing to bet that every election has been tainted to a degree. politics is a dirty game and always has been.

honestly i think the bush bashing has, at this point, gotten a little to out of hand, to the point where anything he does, good or bad, is villified for the sake of doing so. we could find the wma's tomorrow, we could pull out, every dead soldiers family could recieve 5 million dollars and no taxes forever, and people would still make negatives out of that and we all know it.

bush=kobe bryant if you ask me......


Digital Smokerings
ill o.g.
Cold Truth said:
actually, he has said from the very beginning that this was a goal, so him covering for himself doesnt make much sense.

1. sadaam needed to go, period, end of story. the chances of another arising in his place is immaterial; how do you know that? how do you know that the next guy will be the same? what if he isnt? and if he is, at least they elected him in, same as the us and bush. perhaps there were some inconsistancies with our own election; i am willing to bet that every election has been tainted to a degree. politics is a dirty game and always has been.

There's like 20 other idiots that need to go, imho he had no argument besides a personal one which has nothing to with his political role, it's not like the US was in war with Iraq. For all I care Bush would've made better moves for a nobel price removing those morons in africa and bring democracy over there. But Africa has nothing to benefit from...

honestly i think the bush bashing has, at this point, gotten a little to out of hand, to the point where anything he does, good or bad, is villified for the sake of doing so. we could find the wma's tomorrow, we could pull out, every dead soldiers family could recieve 5 million dollars and no taxes forever, and people would still make negatives out of that and we all know it.

bush=kobe bryant if you ask me......

No, Bush brought himself into a mess of which he can't get out by changing his ethics, only by giving something else total dedication so that more problematic issues get less attention.

Yeah we know politics are crap, and elections are a facade but not here. We have elections you cant mess about, we just have stupid people voting for the wrong parties.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 68
Cold Truth said:
actually, he has said from the very beginning that this was a goal, so him covering for himself doesnt make much sense.

1. sadaam needed to go, period, end of story. the chances of another arising in his place is immaterial; how do you know that? how do you know that the next guy will be the same? what if he isnt? and if he is, at least they elected him in, same as the us and bush. perhaps there were some inconsistancies with our own election; i am willing to bet that every election has been tainted to a degree. politics is a dirty game and always has been.

honestly i think the bush bashing has, at this point, gotten a little to out of hand, to the point where anything he does, good or bad, is villified for the sake of doing so. we could find the wma's tomorrow, we could pull out, every dead soldiers family could recieve 5 million dollars and no taxes forever, and people would still make negatives out of that and we all know it.

bush=kobe bryant if you ask me......
Right, he said that at the beginnin,,,his big, "War on Terror". LOL, come on,,,,
...so if I ran into your house to rob you and then accidently shot you,,,,when I'm at court defendin myself, I would say I was just there to rob you, not kill you.

1. Sadaam, Castro, Chavez, Ghadafi,,,etc,,,,still thinkin scapegoat.

Elections are always tainted and they are obsolete.

Furthermore,(lol, I said furthermore) Fuck Bush, fuck the war, and fuck Crunk Music!!! Jus playin,,lmao....