

Carpe Diem

OMG, we bought a preamp earlier this year and were just set to record a mixtape... We realised that it was an American 2 Pin Plug, so sent one of our boys to Argos (electrical store), to grab an adaptor so we could use it here in the UK... He came back, we were all excited and shit, plugged it in, and...


Fucker blew up!!! For about an hour we were tryin to figure what happened, all pissed, opening up the plug, the pre amp etc, until the dude that bought the adaptor stared at it and said in a low tone....

"shavers and electrical toothbrushes only"

OMG, we cracked up, but were so pissed at him!!!!

Anyways, dunno wat u do with it, i dont personally use one!!! Sorry dude!!!!
