Reason ...


Mad Beats, No Angry Vegetables
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 10
I started out w/ FL about 6 years ago, when i was 12 so getting used 2 Reason has been a bitch for me...But i've noticed Reason just sounds Fuller, idk how 2 explain it but i cant get tht kinda sound outa FL even with Izotope. Does anyone know Why reason sounds so much better?


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 73
I started out w/ FL about 6 years ago, when i was 12 so getting used 2 Reason has been a bitch for me...But i've noticed Reason just sounds Fuller, idk how 2 explain it but i cant get tht kinda sound outa FL even with Izotope. Does anyone know Why reason sounds so much better?

Reason was always meant to be a "PRO" DAW. I don't think FL was. It was a novice DAW that evolved into "PRO" because so many amature beat makers flocked to. It's ease of use and price were a big draw for beginners. Reason is much better and gives you better sounds "out of the box". Big time producers have had input into the how things sound in Reason. Pros demand quality sounds or at least the ability to make things sound better without having to introduce expensive plugins.