Secret Agency revealed and Bush says we dont torture..

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The Bastard

nah id feel a lot a better if the same people that were cutting americans heads off in videos were given the red carpet treatment, after all we know how humane they treat american prisoners aka kidnapped journalists.


Voice of Illmuzik Radio
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 83
oh no I agree with you there, believe me , I believe in actually torturing every single family member of actual terrorists to death.
However , we are too stupid to figure out who the actual terrorists are , and result in actually making more terrorists then there were originally.
Im not for just snatchin up random arabs and waterboarding them for years until some bushie figures out they were just a guy on his way to pick up humus for his wife and kids.

The Bastard

Im not for just snatchin up random arabs and waterboarding them for years until some bushie figures out they were just a guy on his way to pick up humus for his wife and kids.

why not?
It turns out that Daniel Pearl and other beheaded westerners were done so by CIA operatives, to cause the sort of hatred for muslims that has been stirred up as a result. Its called fear, the govt uses it all the time to scare us into submission. GW can say they dont torture all he likes, its been proven time and again that they do torture. Your president is a liar and so is everyone at the top echelon of the administration.
Both GW and Tony Blair told us about weapons of mass destruction, still never found. They told us that the events of 911 were never expected, when they were practicing the same thing on the same day and were warned of an impending terrorist attack by at least 3 countries intelligence services before the act.
Keep hating the Muslim extremists that were created by the same CIA and funded through the Pakistani ISI.

Get a grip people our leaders are liars, we all have the wool pulled over our eyes, dont buy into the bullshit hate we are guided into having for a people on the other side of the world to justify our invasion and domination of same peoples/resources.
The raw hatred for people that you dont even know stirred up by propaganda of your own leaders making really troubles me. Wise up to the game, we are all being played. The game is on us, we are the pieces, not the players. We are the pawns in a global game of chess. We are all expendable.
Before blindly hating a whole race because of a few bad apples, take a look at america. The world is hating america because of a few of its own bad apples. Im intelligent enough to realise that you aint all bad apples, take the time to conversate with some of these muslims that are hated so much and you will realise that they are mostly just like you and me. With some misguided souls among them just like we ourselves are misguided drooling for blood from an enemy that many americans cant even place on a map.

I had to reply to this post and others posts, someone needs to defend the muslims just like you and me, that aint here to defend themselves. I live in london, I know many muslims, they have lived with us in peace for many years, why are they our enemy all of a sudden, because we are hynotised into beleiving it.

Wake up people and stop being fools to the game.
oh no I agree with you there, believe me , I believe in actually torturing every single family member of actual terrorists to death.
And you wonder why the muslims and many other around the world hate americans so much, with stupid answers like that.
On that basis then, you should be tortured because of the misdeeds of your own government, you lot voted em in , so its your responsibility.
Americans can come up with some great ignorance like that same answer, and then wonder why foreigners dislike them. Does killing innocent people make you feel big and bad? does it turn you on sexually?, I just dont get it. Please help me out Im obviously missing something.


Voice of Illmuzik Radio
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 83
So you mean to tell me that EVEN though Bin Laden has excepted responsibility for the 911 attacks , with or with out help from the CIA you think that Al-queada should just be given a free pass, and that the people who died that day just too bad for them eh?
IMO the guilty parties can all die and go to hell, more so prolly than anyone else on this form I try look at shit through other countires eyes.
Same as the cats who blew up your railway system there.AND I NEVER SAID MUSLIM DOG.YOU SAID THAT. I said actual terrorists, so that makes YOU the one guilty of prejudice there.. lolol

BTW I still got love for you dude, AND I defend muslims everyday against the tirades of rednecks here in the south who posses ignorance on a level you cant imagine.
Theres informed and then theres paranoid.

Oh and the title of the thread along with the "I feel better now" was meant as humor, I cant stand this president, you mustve forgotten all that about me somehow.


Voice of Illmuzik Radio
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 83
A good example is this mayberry mf deputy I have had to work with for a couple of weeks now..
I started in about how Id rather see Obama then Hillary cuz shez part of the same problem and he was all dumb founded and pissed sayin "We cant have him! Hes a MOOSLIM!" of course I went into orbit because #1 he ISNT a "MOOSLIM" and #2 so fuckin what?
SO genius says "We need to send them all back to their own country"
Thats so dumb it almost doesnt deserve a response..But I said "Sorta how the natives here felt about the christians right? or how people felt about catholics during the Inquisition or how the Mooslims felt about christians during the crusades right?
Cuz they are radical right? Like the christians that slaughtered muslims in serbia right?"
Then of course I went over board and said "yes things will all be better when we dont NEED freewill anymore and we can just be protected by King George and his Veitnam war funky bunch.."
So he wrapped himself in the flag and stfu.. lol
Bin Laden has accepted responsibility only on tapes manufactured by your govt. Every tape miraculously appears any time the bush administration is in need of help from one of many of either domestic or foreign scandals that it faces. Or new law that they would like to get passed. Most have been proven to be faked and some even ADMITTED fakes. They can never get 2 bin ladens to look the same, so they tell you he dyed his beard. And im paranoid, lol. Eye witness testimony from the people that were actually on the underground and on the bus that was blown up said the floors on the trains blew upward, and i have seen pictures of the holes in the floors of the trains that blew up. The eye witness on the bus said the whole thing was staged and laid out his own story of what happened that day, and it was very bad indeed. Saying the bus was directed to the scene by an unmarked blue bmw, and then after the bus blew up a strange man was 200 mtrs in front of the bus all bandaged up waving his arms about to gain attention , which he then did and he became front page news. But how did he get bandaged up when there was no medics at the scene as the bus had only blown up 10 seconds before. It turns out the guy was a UK agent whose identity and pics have since disappeared from the stories. Now thats the testimony of the people that were there.

I aint hating on you, I like you and what with our past discussions on the same subjects I like to discuss these things with you, you are a good opposite of my opinions and make a good prosecution to my defence.
Maybe you didnt say muslims, the only reason I said muslims is because we know the so called terrorists are extremist muslims. So now you tell me it aint just muslims its all the arabs?
I was just taken back by your statement that you would like to see the deaths of their whole families, now thats how you get enemies, killing peoples families, especially innocent ones. Like 90% of the detainees that have been tortured, killed and or defiled on orders from your leaders.
I tell you this, your leaders are doing there part just perfectly, and that is to destroy the usa and maybe even the uk along with it, and by destroy i mean destroy it finacially and socially and to destroy any freedom that it may have once stood for. The constitution is unique in this whole thing we call "All Time" it has granted more freedoms to man than any other document in the history of mankind. Thats why I like america, because it made that possible. But beleive me, you can call me paranoid all day, the powers that seek to create a world comminist government dictatorship have one big problem in there way, its called america. Beleive it or not thats your call, beleive your news media all you like too because thats your call too.
I can assure you that what i say is based on facts and not delusions, facts that are proven or admitted. Whether the corparate media decides to tell you these facts doent make them any less true. Just dig enough and you will find them for yourself. And when the admitted truth is staring at you in black and white you cant deny these facts anymore. You can just either bury your head in the sand and just forget about it or face the facts, deal with the fact that our leaders actually have there own interests at heart and not ours then get on with life with a greater understanding of some of the stupidity of our leaders decisions and maybe even try to help humanity as we know it, because its the freedoms that we enjoy now that are the target, we have never had it so good, and the plan is that we dont enjoy it for too much longer. The world cannot not physically survive a global world where we all use electricity and pollute the world. Thats a fact, there isnt enough natural resources for one. And the pollution would kill us. On that basis, if these technologies are to be enjoyed then many of us will have to die, and i mean many. Dont you think it strange that in the last 20years we have had so many new diseases pop up compared to the previous centuries before. Im just being paranoid. Im paranoid that they have admitted wanting to do these things.

PS the corporate media has now just started admitting that the global economic future is looking pretty grim, so the wheels are turning and the effects will be felt soon enough, too soon for my comfort. And everyones that enjoys the freedom to burn loads of fossile fuel to power their technological lives. What happens when we lose electricity? Is that such a crazy idea, just think about that one for a bit.


Voice of Illmuzik Radio
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 83
I dont disagree with you at all, but if someone attacks me Im going to make them pay for it, even if its my own government.
Additionally I have NEVER said all arabs are terrorists !! LOL
I don't believe that for a second, I also agree about the media, I cant understand why Fox news is allowed to operate the way they do, media is supposed to be unbiased.
But see we cant just go out and burn shit down, we didnt elect Bush twice, we put a democratic congress in place to get out of Iraq (which I dont know if we can anymore) and they cant get us out..
Hell we just passed a law to insure 4 million kids health and Bush vetoed it because we can afford a war but not that..Sooooo.
You know me man , I agree with you but just dont think we are all the same over here.
Besides the Illuminatti cant take over without the help of the British , because a bad guy just aint a real bad guy with out the cool british accent! lol


ill o.g.
The thing that gets me with torture is its a bit like the old witch trials, where you dont know if they are innocent until you have tortured the hell out of them and they dont spill the beans as they dont have any to spill.
How did we get back to proven unreliable medieval methods of getting information?
Oh america, thats right.
To be honest I think my british govt's hands are just as dirty.


Digital Smokerings
ill o.g.
to allaya; big fat duh.

as far as im concerned were all under attack by these nwo nazis, war again terrorism will make more victems then so called terrorist could ever do. Im mean, people are still rambling on this terrorism crap when its obvious that the whole 9/11 stinks ,but terrorism...thats a holy war...and that major bucks are made and that the whole western community could really not give a damn about some vicious villager with a bomb around his middle...i mean, could not give a damn about some arab/moslim villager unless hes wearing a bomb around his waiste. at times i wonder what people are mad about cuz they adress their anger to the easiest location.