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the invisible visible
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 20
which other artists are you into, who's flashin you or what have you come across while diggin for samples ?

i just stumbled on a piece called "heather" by billy cobham and after that cut had driven me crazy i figured out its the hiero's theme and baseline from 93' till infinity. and they have flipped that very nice.

another one i started diggin for is yusef lateef. never had heard of him before but it seems like its quite a big name. the records (and mp3's yeah, how the fuck can i buy records at the store, when all the good ones start at 20 bucks) i found were all incredible.

or lyn collins. well im neither black, 45 years old or from brooklyn, but that energy in her voice, the whole performance is mad power. i guess none of them anastasias or beyonces can compete.

mad stoned, going to bed


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 55
LOL well on a similar tip i went digging today and found sum pretty kewl spots that i will b hitting up more often now ! I spotted some very dope records in there but didn't have much cash on me so i hid them away for next time lol
Got some ELO, some john barry, odyssey, stylistics, commodores, some random soul compliation, hall & oates and a few others ! got around 8 LPs for £16 which is pretty good over here !
I've made like 4 beats from them already since this afternoon and i havent had a proper listen to them all yet !

The Bastard

mik-p said:
which other artists are you into, who's flashin you or what have you come across while diggin for samples ?

i just stumbled on a piece called "heather" by billy cobham and after that cut had driven me crazy i figured out its the hiero's theme and baseline from 93' till infinity. and they have flipped that very nice.

another one i started diggin for is yusef lateef. never had heard of him before but it seems like its quite a big name. the records (and mp3's yeah, how the fuck can i buy records at the store, when all the good ones start at 20 bucks) i found were all incredible.

or lyn collins. well im neither black, 45 years old or from brooklyn, but that energy in her voice, the whole performance is mad power. i guess none of them anastasias or beyonces can compete.

mad stoned, going to bed


i ned to get them shits bleached


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 33
Come christmas Ill have some stories to tell - Its been a while since i grabbed anything from the record store including my beloved vinyl that i miss so well....Basically - i figure im gonna get a table from someone in the fam this year and once i do i kno ill be diggin again like a religious act!.....Cant wait to jus sample all tha records ive been accumulating since i went last time and bought a bunch a dope stuff......I love records:)
