Showcase - January 6-8, 2013

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Iron Keys Im not fan of that type, sorry
Kohie Smooth beat, good job
skidflow I think L.O.V.E has more potential than Rollplay


Battle Points: 24
skidflow - Rollplay..drum work is nice. melody can get a bit repetitive at times though. mix is clean.
L.O.V.E..feelin the snare. digging this one more. i like the effect you put on the sample. it works here. again, gets a bit reptitive.

Djordje - cool beat. digging the sample. drums sound good man. bassline is dope too. real chill beat here.

Just uploaded a new beat to the page. If you have time, check it out and lemme know what you think.



Battle Points: 1
Iron Keys: some of that shit was fucking dirty, man. I was loving it. Would love to hear some acapellas over some of those tracks. Hit me up if you do that.

Kohie: that sample is on point. Love this. Sounds real nice when that bass comes in with the Nas vocals.

Skidflow: I personally prefer Rollplay, man. Both tracks have a really nice, punchy kick though. Sounding good.

Djordie: that guitar sample on the 2 and 3 in every second bar of the phrase is real nice. Feel like you could really lift it by working with some additional instrumentation.

Iron Keys

ill o.g.
Battle Points: 695
Kohie, Skid, Droopy, Much appreciate the love, brethren! Djordje, much love for the response.

Kohie - Nice chopping of the sample, flows and bounces nicely. Personally I'd like it to have a fatter kick, I love more of a 'boof!' from a kick. Nice work!

Skid - Rollplay; Nice vibe, man, love the way that sample at about 40 comes in, goes nicelyyy! Good stuff, brother. L.O.V.E; I like this, if it had a nice thick juicey powerful bassline, that played once every four bars, or somethign, could really add to it. I know it's got one, I thinking one got the sound of say, Game - Where I'm from. Still though, tasty. I can imagine this in like some short video about graffiti artists. Dunno why, I just feel it.

Djordje - I like the bass sound, and love the ends of bars, those sounds. Works well. I feel maybe it needs some more going on it it, maybe some strings or stabs, staccato like. Just to add a little more interest. Nice though.

Droopy - Really like this end part, in the intro-ish bit, I dunno if it goes on too long, or just needs a slight variation in the second 4 bars of it, just to make it feel like it's going somewhere. The end part is cool though, I love the crunchy feel to it, dunno if maybe you compressed it too hard. But I ain't the best at mixing either! Still though, love the last part, and the beginning part I'm feeling the vibe.

Much love.


Voice of Illmuzik Radio
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 83
Iron Keys- The production values are high

Kohie - this is very good I like it.. I would like to hear that snare stand out just a tad more.. But my pc speakers are bs compared to the monitors and Im listening on pc. I say maybe turn up the snare? Or make it smack just a tad more? Its a done deal.

Skid - RollPlay is cool. Good production values and I can groove with it. I like that sample.
Love - Cool intro...Great boom bap feel! ...I keep wating for some cuts to come in on the "hook" part.. Be cool if yu could add some . It would set it off.


Voice of Illmuzik Radio
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 83
Django - Love the jazzy feel here... Waiting on the hook part.... And then it stops.. ugh. You have a good idea going , you need to finish this one.

Droopy - Interesting ... I feel like this is 2 tracked though and thus the sound isnt all there. Then it just gets repetitive to me...Ok that was apparently the intro. Sound quality improves...Not sure what this is.. Like slow DubStep??? The high keys in there make me flinch a lil. . End part was good
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