shure sm7b


The Bastard

anyone use this at all for vocals? ive heard its great for recording vocals BUT its a dynamic mic, thats mostly used by broadcasters i guess. can anyone give any insight?

Ash Holmz

The Bed-Stuy Fly Guy
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 207
yeah i have one .. its pretty ill ... very slept on piece of equipment ... one thing u need though is a high quality preamp .. cuz it has a crazy low output .. u need something with at least 60db of CLEAN gain ... the mic puts on a super thick and kinda dull(for lack of a better word ....its not a bright mic no high frequency bumps like most budget mics) tone on anything through it... which works well for hip hop and more other more aggressive music... the thing is a steal at 300 -350 which u can find it for... it also got eq swithces so u can play around and get a a couple diffrent sounds out of the mic..dont sleep on dynamics there is a couple advantages to them .. one they dont pick up the room .. ive recorded vocals with the sm7 w/ no headphones monitors on full blast same room as the mic and the recording had very little background noise.. two they are rugged ... they can take a beating .. which is good if u got clumsy ass artists rolling thru ur spot... 3 the thing just sounds dope .. its a whole diffrent beast than the sm57/58 .. way smoother... plus its not spitty or essey ... ive had alot of diffrent mics and that one is dope ... its not quite as detailed as a nice condensor .. but its thick as hell but again make sure u got some juice coming from ur preamp .. i would pass on it if ur pre aint up to par

The Bastard

Ash Holmz said:
yeah i have one .. its pretty ill ... very slept on piece of equipment ... one thing u need though is a high quality preamp .. cuz it has a crazy low output .. u need something with at least 60db of CLEAN gain ... the mic puts on a super thick and kinda dull(for lack of a better word ....its not a bright mic no high frequency bumps like most budget mics) tone on anything through it... which works well for hip hop and more other more aggressive music... the thing is a steal at 300 -350 which u can find it for... it also got eq swithces so u can play around and get a a couple diffrent sounds out of the mic..dont sleep on dynamics there is a couple advantages to them .. one they dont pick up the room .. ive recorded vocals with the sm7 w/ no headphones monitors on full blast same room as the mic and the recording had very little background noise.. two they are rugged ... they can take a beating .. which is good if u got clumsy ass artists rolling thru ur spot... 3 the thing just sounds dope .. its a whole diffrent beast than the sm57/58 .. way smoother... plus its not spitty or essey ... ive had alot of diffrent mics and that one is dope ... its not quite as detailed as a nice condensor .. but its thick as hell but again make sure u got some juice coming from ur preamp .. i would pass on it if ur pre aint up to par
imm have a decent pre be4 i buy the mic,if i do buy it . i was lookin to get the ART Pro Channel Tube Mic Preamp,which actually has 3 levels of gain. but the million dollar question and prolly the deciding factor is,do u have something youd consider your best recording with the sm7b ,that i can listen to? the other two mics im lookin at is the audio tech at3060 tube condensor,or the rhode nt2a

Ash Holmz

The Bed-Stuy Fly Guy
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 207
the sm7 will slay the other two hands down .... michael jackson sang thru an sm7 for thriller .. alot of big names in country and rock use that joint .. ghostface uses it alot too... the same cannot be said for at3060 or rode nta2 ... the nta2 is bright beyond belief .. too bright imo ... the 3060 is a quality mic but not anywhere near the sm7 to my ears..

The Bastard

Ash Holmz said:
the sm7 will slay the other two hands down .... michael jackson sang thru an sm7 for thriller .. alot of big names in country and rock use that joint .. ghostface uses it alot too... the same cannot be said for at3060 or rode nta2 ... the nta2 is bright beyond belief .. too bright imo ... the 3060 is a quality mic but not anywhere near the sm7 to my ears..
u had me at the ghostface comment.nah m playin thanks for the review man, imma cop it.i know robin quivers from the howard stern wont use anything besides it, but i didnt know it was wwidely used in recording studios,thats what i wanted to know, if itd make a good studio mic.thanks again

The Bastard

and again if u have anything uve recorded with it , id love to hear it

Ash Holmz

The Bed-Stuy Fly Guy
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 207
sorry thats top secret right now .. actually i can give u some stuff that other people recorded at my studio with the sm7 just pm me with ur email ....but another good mic for cheap is an mxl v6 ... really detailed and smooth sounding def brighter than the sm7 but not rainbow bright like the rode ... it has a present midrange and will probably match well with the art which is a darker preamp from what i hear.. i own one these two im decidng at the moment which one i like better .. the sm7 is thick and rich and weighty .. but the v6 more detailed and cut thru.. it really depends on ur voice .. are u recording other or mainly ur self?

The Bastard

Ash Holmz said:
sorry thats top secret right now .. actually i can give u some stuff that other people recorded at my studio with the sm7 just pm me with ur email ....but another good mic for cheap is an mxl v6 ... really detailed and smooth sounding def brighter than the sm7 but not rainbow bright like the rode ... it has a present midrange and will probably match well with the art which is a darker preamp from what i hear.. i own one these two im decidng at the moment which one i like better .. the sm7 is thick and rich and weighty .. but the v6 more detailed and cut thru.. it really depends on ur voice .. are u recording other or mainly ur self?
yeah im gunna be reording mainly myself, and a few guests like my cousin and maybe a homie, my emails: .good looks