New remix from yours truly.
InsideOutBeats ILLIEN Battle Points: 274 bfights! aotb! biu! Apr 10, 2024 #2 Fits perfectly! Maybe dropping the drums out for chorus time? Again just my preference on a little change up, even half a bar drop out here or there would just elevate the experience for the listener (well me anyway) Dope stuff again though!!
Fits perfectly! Maybe dropping the drums out for chorus time? Again just my preference on a little change up, even half a bar drop out here or there would just elevate the experience for the listener (well me anyway) Dope stuff again though!!
DJ Excellence ILLIEN ill o.g. Battle Points: 265 bthis! Apr 10, 2024 #3 Thanks again for the feedback @InsideOutBeats . Unfortunately the main sample came with drums; had to work with that limitation.
Thanks again for the feedback @InsideOutBeats . Unfortunately the main sample came with drums; had to work with that limitation.