so... th eMen In Black are real. Never knew that


polyphonically beyond me
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 5
look up names like Art Bell and Norm Chomsky for a reality twist. certain people believe that secrets lie below the status quo that would blow away the fact that aids was a human creation to institue genocyde to Africa and lesser wanted peoples in modern cities accros the world. On a different tip though.. have you ever heard of a proffesor by the name of Doctor Cornel West? He is the leading professor in African American studies in the world and a genous in the same view as Einstein. I doubt this will be very interesting to most people, but this post is full of great mind expanding research. so check it out --< - -

Steel Side

ill o.g.
Aids came about from the development of the polio vaccine. They would use chimp cells and inject pollio into them, and one or more developers used monkeys that were not approved. These mokey's contained CIV which they are immune to. When the vaccine was illegally tested on thousands of African humas, the disese waintroduced into the human population. Hence HIV.

yea I know off topic. sorry ya'll.
I had to do it.


polyphonically beyond me
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 5
Steel Side said:
Aids came about from the development of the polio vaccine. They would use chimp cells and inject pollio into them, and one or more developers used monkeys that were not approved. These mokey's contained CIV which they are immune to. When the vaccine was illegally tested on thousands of African humas, the disese waintroduced into the human population. Hence HIV.

yea I know off topic. sorry ya'll.
I had to do it.

naw ss i'm glad you said that. i mean i was thinkin like a hitler massacre with the old theory; hey though, it's plausable and a myth in these parts. If what you said is correct it makes perfect cents. Scientifically it makes scents to me and i am glad you posted that info