Subtractor Bass/velocity question

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How come in the subtractor im making a bassline using a wonderbass and when i go to adjust the velocity on the sequencer nothing happends if i bring it up or down, the bass level stay same???


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 73
How come in the subtractor im making a bassline using a wonderbass and when i go to adjust the velocity on the sequencer nothing happends if i bring it up or down, the bass level stay same???

Adjust it in edit mode with your pencil or line tool. You really change veloscity with your keys as you play the sound anyways. Hit the key hard more veloscity...hit it softer less. Mess with it in edit mode if you're having veloscity issues. That's the best way to get it exactly how you want it.


thats exacly it tho, i lower it with the pencil but then when i play it back its still the same

check it out for yourself.

use the wonderbass thats the one i used


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 141
yeah the best way is to go in the piano roll and edit he's right
or u can create a new track in the sequence box go to and ad the sub-tractor press record and turn them down live
when u get the one group them delete the others and copy paste
but the other way is easier!