The Game- Put me Under


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 21
All I got to say is "Whoa!" This joint is crazy... I didnt like Game at first man but now im rethinkin that shit out.. He comes hard as fuck on this joint, anyone peep it yet?


Paradigm P
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 74
And a tounge ring. Teary eyed and shit. You aint' never heard that Joe Budden shit?

ill o.g.
Battle Points: 68
Ominous said:
What date show? What cry'n?

What up Om!

Yeah, he was on that show, Change of Heart. NOW, let me break down this lil tidbit with some "Showbiz" knowledge I got......ahem.

Now, in order to be on these reality shows, or reality game shows means you want to be an actor. Thats cool. If ya an up and comer and need to get on TV, ya basically do what ya can. By the Game(stupid name) being on that show, he wanted to get into actin. Thats also cool. Now here is where its not cool........ the Game is a rapper now right? Okay. What sells music. Expecially the mainstream, and especially mainstream HIp Hop? A PRETTY FACE. There are a number of artists that get record deals just because they got a pretty face. Thats where the ghostwriter comes in. Its all marketing and he is just another victim of the Industry. Dont be surprised if he starts doin movies soon. I also heard this from an insider, so take my word.