The Young Gods, dark wizards of sampling



Thought I'd bring your attention to this Swiss group, because I feel like they approach sampling in a really unique way and are one of my favorite bands. My entry in this week's beat competition is inspired by them, since they sampled guitars a lot. The only constant member of the band is vocalist Franz Treichler, who sings in English and French, and the band is usually made of the singer, a sampler/programmer and a drummer. Their best album IMO is Only Heaven followed by T.V Sky, although their recent work is really good and they continue to push boundaries.

They're usually labeled "industrial" although that doesn't really fit; they are too fast and experimental to be lumped in with wankers like Pitchshifter or the black eyeliner crowd, and their usual mood is more furiously uplifting than suicidally downcast or raging. Although I can see why they get put in that genre, with their mix of ambience and sampled metal guitars. I think it'd be great if more hip hop cats were inspired by them; they usually aren't very funky but sometimes the drums remind me of the ending of "Microphone Fiend".


Moon Revolutions:

This is their tour de force, really epic tribal breakdowns and guitar riffs zooming into the stratosphere

Kissing the Sun:

More riffs, but theres this swirling sound that comes in before the main riffs, and I have no idea how they do it. It could be a synth but Im not sure, anybody with more experience got an idea?


Their "sexy" song, this is probably the most mainstream they ever got.

And here is them recreating their songs live, unplugged, with acoustic guitars and bongos


Come on guys, you can't listen to Dilla on repeat all day (I know you can, but its cuz yr too misty eyed to change the vinyl. Y'all need some wax, trust me, I'm a board certified thizz-ician