Too late - a beat made from scraps

Leopard Cohen

Battle Points: 85
Normally I start a beat by digging, either finding some new (to me) shit online or in my crates, then once I've got a few bars I chop 'em up and start building around them.
It's all pretty intentional and iterative.
Not this time.

This time, I wanted to work within constraints.
So I limited myself to stuff that was already in my sampler's SD storage, no auditioning ahead of time, just grab stuff at random and hope it works.
The beatmaking equivalent of dinner from a can of soup, bag-ends of different pastas, and some spicy mustard.

As always, feedback most appreciated.

Dusty B

Battle Points: 38
Love the funky guitar and the rhythm has a type of chill swing that's really cool. Sounds very psychedelic, which is awesome. Some of the snare hits sound a little off, not sure if it's just the way the sample is arranged or if it's actually off (after re-listening sounds like it may be the the way the guitar blends along with the drums, but as the beat gets busier it sounds fine).

Kudos on using constraints... my fav way to produce!