why me:bawling:
ok heres a lil dictionery 4 stuff i use, i hope it reduces da numba of votes am currently gettin, cuz its gettin ridiculous, lol
l8a - later
cud - could
ting - thing
da - the
tink - think
sum - on most occasion means 'some', on others it literally means sum(like addin up), but come man cut me sum slack, chk da context its in, lol
chk - check
cnt - cant
hsnt - hasnt
ma - could mean mom, as in momma, lol , but most times its is 'my'
ne1 - anyone
dis - this
wrng - wrong
4eva - forever
plz - please
whewww! dis cud take 4eva, ima leave it at dis, ma fingaz startin 2 ache......