Velvet - How many of you go there?

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Creator of the Universe
ill o.g.
I love illmuzik-- always will. But how many of you cats go to

I love reading idiot industry cats argue over whether Irving Azoff did a good job representing "The Last Goodnight" or if a mohawk is lame and not fitting the right "image" for the band.

If you go there, don't let some of the things the cats say discourage you. A lot of cats in the industry latch on to whatever their bosses think is "in" right now. They're just courtiers working for their lords and nobles. They can't think for themselves.

These are cats that give bands like The Hives $10 million upfront AFTER The Hives peaked (a couple years ago.) You're supposed to get a return-on-investment before a band peaks... jesus christ--.... Interscope.

Keep grindin'. Speaking of "Grindin'"-- remember that Clipse joint? Yeah-- I remember when cats were saying that song was crap before it came out.

"The beat sucks" they said.

Boy were they wrong--

Keep grindin' and hustlin'. I'm gonna check back more often in this place-- hit me up if you have Q's on anything.