What softwares do you use

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IllMuzik Staff
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 1

I've got some synths/samplers is my little project studio and wanted to control everything from a computer. The computer is allready sorted, I now need to hook up a soundcard,MIDI interface, sequencer (MIDI and audio), wave editor, mastering plugins, and cd burner. And possibly a hardware mixer if my soundcard doesn't have enough inputs for my synths.

I have my own ideas about how I should set this up, but I wanted to hear the opinions of others out there, what they would use and why.




IllMuzik Staff
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 1

I see that a lot of people use Cool Edit here, there is even a tutorial on how to chop up beats in it. I'm a Cool Edit user as well, but most of my friends are into Soundforge.

Why do so any people here use Cool Edit? Is it especially good for hip hop music? Is it cheap? Does anyone use the Mac?



You can download Cool Edit on Kazaa for free! And get the serial Number on Kazaa!



IllMuzik Staff
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 1

But you can download ANYTHING for free off Kazaa, why do so many people choose Cool Edit?



I can't answer for everybody else man! Its really your personal prefrence!

Hawla back!


IllMuzik Staff
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 1

Come on Briellz, give me a REAL answer if you're going to reply...

Why do YOU use it? Have you even tried Sound Forge? Wavelab? Samplitude? Vegas?



That is a real answer bro.....Everybody has there own personal prefrences nah mean?

Protools, Sonar XL, nuendo, umm...thats really it!

Im not a big software head! I like recording straight to the workstation/HD



Cool Edit is good for money. Yes it is free. I think that wave editores all do the same thing. I mean, for what I do. I do not care for the multitrack feature because sequencers offer that. From what I read in these forums, many of the people do not know what they are doing. There are basic things I find is easier to use in the wave editor than sequencer, but recording rap music is simple. Plus FX plugins are powerful in sequencer like Sonare and Emagic. If you listen to popular rap music, it is not very complicated because the common people do not buy complicated music. They simply want to be entertained. Sometime I think musicians think too much into music and do not know some stupid person with alcohol problem is buying it. If you sell 10 million records I think 1% of buying people is not idiot.


IllMuzik Staff
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 1

Briellz: I apologise, my post made me look like an ass, I should have phrased is like this:

For those of you who use software, especially those of you who use Cool Edit , what features in the software have made you decide to use it instead of using a similar software such as SoundForge, Vegas, Wavelab, Samplitude?

Prophet: Yeah, I noticed that not everyone here knows what they're doing, but it's like that at forums, people come here to learn and share with others.

btw...Cool Edit is not free. That would be funny if Syntrillium took everyone's beats from the Beat This threads and released them on a sample cd for $50 a pop and kept all the profits:D



I understand that Cool Edit is not free. But to many of the other users in this forum it is free via Kazaa or other p2p application!

Most company or legitimate producers or radio people (most of them!) purchase it from the Cool Edit company, I know that.

I use Cool Edit for transit wave editing on plane or train or car. In studio I have ProTools set up, and find Cool Edit to have much power similar to ProTool which I paid many CHF for! Other than hardware which make ProTool good, I think Cool Edit is good because you can draw in parameters in multitrack. ProTool is better because it have all parameters programmable or can be drawn in.

Wavelab and Soundforge no good anymore! Soundforge have stupid site! LOL.


IllMuzik Staff
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 1

Thanks for the reply.

I use Cool Edit because it has both the waveform editor and the multitrack in the same program, it makes it really easy for making beats or quickly tracking a project. It also allows me to work on files in the spectral view which is great for 'seeing' problems in audio like hums, pops, bad dithering, etc. They've also got pretty good support, whenever I've had to call them and speak to someone, there is always someone there.

Are you using the new Pro 2.0 or one of the older versions?



yes i understand the things you say. Spectral analysis is very good when you want to find problems in wave.

ProTools is more stable and that is very very very important. You can not compare the two but the 2.0 version of Cool Edit has problem with crashing. Especially at very bad times. Then you need to wait for recovery files that can be shit.

I think Cool Edit is better than other like Wavelab, but is not stable enough if I record people. Maybe when technology gets better or programming for Windows!


IllMuzik Staff
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 1

I've been pretty lucky with my CEP20 then, it only crashes on me every once in a while. 1.2a was pretty solid, I suspect that once Syntrillium get a patch released it will be better than the .0 version.

Come to think of it, EVERYTHING crashes every once in a while, including XP and OSX.2. Sometimes my synths crash, although that's only about once a year.

Do you run your PT on a Mac or PC? And what do you use for MIDI (I assume that you do MIDI)?



If your stuff is crashin you got major problems! Can you figure out why?


IllMuzik Staff
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 1

Why? Because of all different software's poor RAM management, conflicts with drivers and hardware, power surges, corrupt files, etc.

There isn't a single piece of software on the market today that won't crash. It may not crash on your computer, but it will crash on someone else's.

It's the kind of thing people learn to live with, I'm not too bothered by it, I just make sure that I keep my fingers on the ctrl-s buttons at all times.



I understand that you say OS crash, but when product crashes many times when you use it, it is not stable to make recordings with people who pay by hour. That is why ProTools is good, because it is not depending on CPU power exclusively, but has other hardware for processing. For home studio, or making songs or editing by your self is ok, but I think it would be stupid to depend on wave editore with problems in pro studio. Most software company release software with problem before most of major problems are fixed from pressure from marketing. Sort of like Microsoft!