What's goin on people?


ill o.g.
What's goin on ya'll

Yo. I used to post on this site years ago but recently rediscovered it. Looks like its improved by leaps and bounds. Ive been beatmaking since '98 but wouldn't really say been into full blown producing til recently. My most signifigant credit is getting some of my beats & vocals on Chappelle's Show, season 1, episode 12, during the And One skit. Right now I'm just trying to sell some more beats and get my name out there while I go to school at Full Sail in Orlando. Im looking forward to hearing the beats in the showcase and getting into the Beat This competition. If anyone wants to hear some of my shit i'll be posting in the showcase as soon as I get some tracks uploaded, or u can e-mail me through my profile.

Blitz O. Glyphics

Tim D

Bitchn' Bout IRS
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 1
that shit is sick u got to be on Chappelle SHow look forward to hear some more shit


ill o.g.
Thanks for the welcome. I should have a soundclick site up and ready with some recent tracks for the next showcase thread. Hope ya'll can get into 'em.