Whats up everyone....newest producer to illmuzik....coming sooN


Old and dirty...
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 304
what up everyone....just signed up today....ive been making beats on and off for like...a year and a half or so....just started workin on the sampling game.....since i cant compose shht on my own.....basically im just tryin to see whats good in other forums....lookin to hear some d0pe beats...possibly some ideas on how to make mine better....hope to be seein some of ya in the forums....


Equality 7-2521

yo Cs!

youve come to the right place for all those things you said you were looking for.

the LAB is the best place for production tips. plenty of dope experianced cats on here who will help you out wherver you need.

and you can post beats in the sHOWCASE if you want some feedback on your work and provide feedback to others who post beats in the showcase

have a great stay

see you round mate
