Which soft sampler


ill o.g.
So, I'm trying to get my whole setup ready for christmas time. I'm going software, hardware takes up too much room + money.

I want to start sampling drum loops (and chop them up), horn stabs etc for hiphop music. So which soft sampler should i get?

I was thinking one from native instruments, either kompact, kontact or battery. I know battery is designed for drums, so it is any good for "beefing or fattening" up drum sounds?

And what about the other two, do they have good effects? I want to be able to pitch, stretch, and place a sample across across an octave of a keyboard (pitch it, but keep the length the same).



ill o.g.
Ayo Delay:

tell you the truth maaaaannn I've never used any of the software youu mentioned. But if you want to chop up drum loops Fruity Loops has a really good loop chutter called fruity slicer. It's really simple to use, and effective. Hope this helped.


Chi town nucca


ill o.g.
just get reason, simple as..once you know how, the sky is the limit....i even heard a rumour that DRE did al ot of his sequencing for 2001 on reason. The NN-XT sampler has all of the above features you mentioned...


Hands Of FIRE!
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 259
All the softs mentioned here are good softs. I personally like the (overall features) of the MOTU MachFive for sampling. Reason and FL are great too but I use them for other applications. Native Instruments are very good also. With all the new software coming out it's starting to get hard to choose which is best.
