world trade center, united 93

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The Bastard

just saw both of theese movies recently, world trade center is from a pedestrian,cop,firefighter perspective, united 93 is from a passenger,air traffic control perspective ,they both made me feel sadness,anger,and pride.and when a movie makes u feel that kinda emotion,means it was a good movie.

Benny BuKu

ill o.g.
I refuse to watch Flight 93 cause I'm 100% positive that shit didn't go down like that. But World Trade Center I'm definitely gonna buy on dvd...I'm a little upset that I didn't get a chance to catch it in the movie theatres.
9-11 was crazy for everyone...but especially us here in the tri-state area. I mean EVERYONE has a story about that day. My cousin is still scarred to this very day from witnessing (from across the street) people who's BETTER option was to jump out of the windows. My aunt coming out of the Holland Tunnel said it was like a scene from Judgement Day how everyone got out of the cars and ran for their lives.


Digital Smokerings
ill o.g.
yeah, I dont want to see them either, the truth hasnt been out yet but there's already a film full of sentiment predicting how it all wennt down... Better look at stress's link about the 911 story (last week i believe).

Benny BuKu

ill o.g.
Formant024 said:
yeah, I dont want to see them either, the truth hasnt been out yet but there's already a film full of sentiment predicting how it all wennt down... Better look at stress's link about the 911 story (last week i believe).

that's how I feel about Flight 93. But World Trade Center at least focuses on 2 of the survivors in the tragedy. We know the buildings came down and we know there were massive rescue missions to find survivors. Plus Oliver Stone did it so I'd def give that a shot. But we don't even know if Flight 93 even existed. And if it did, we don't know how it came down.


Digital Smokerings
ill o.g.
Even the story about the 2 in WTC is somewhat bs, not them 2 who survived but what wennt on that day at the WTC and the people in charge. There've been more survivers and personel of the wtc that have entirely different things to add to the story which would've made it a far more interesting movie and a completly different context but I dont think Bush would allow for a few obivous reasons lol.

Benny BuKu

ill o.g.
Formant024 said:
Even the story about the 2 in WTC is somewhat bs, not them 2 who survived but what wennt on that day at the WTC and the people in charge. There've been more survivers and personel of the wtc that have entirely different things to add to the story which would've made it a far more interesting movie and a completly different context but I dont think Bush would allow for a few obivous reasons lol.

Yeah I hear that........

which reminds me...its' about time for my monthly- "FUCK BUSH!!!!!!!"

you may now return to your regularly scheduled programs....

The Bastard

Cmon Guys, I Know Hatin On Bush And Not Believin Anything About 911 Is To Cool Thing To Do Theese Days, But United 93 Was Based On Many Many Recordings,records,that Took Place On That Day That Were Confirmed , Calls From Passengers To Familys, Calls To To Air Traffic Control. Im Confident The Movies Acurate. Pisses Me Off When Cats Hate On Bush Because Of The War. U Gotta Be Careful Of What Type Of ''truth'' Videos U Watch On The Internet Cause They Usually Are Made To Benifit Politicians.on Sept 11,2001 Theres One Thing That Every Person Living In America Had In Common,and Thats We Al Lwanted Every Last Terrorist In The World Wiped Out,bathed In Acid,skinned Alive. I Still Feel Like That


Voice of Illmuzik Radio
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 83
^ Thats true.. BUT if we get political the thread gets closed... cuz I def got an opinion on it all...
One thing I can say is on 911 I wondered how long it would be before hollywood started cashing in on it...
Now I know.. I saw 93 the made for tv version and it was pretty good, but the whole time Im thinking of the "Brought to you by ..."parts.
Now if was all sponsered by the US army that woulda been diff...
The stories need to be told though..

Formant I was lookin around but I didnt see that link..


Digital Smokerings
ill o.g.
We had this discussion man, I'll second another motion for a Bush Bash...


If you've read the amount I've read you really wouldnt be thinking its a cool trend or subject to talk about, thats just ignorant or naive to me. I dont understand why a system like that aint pissing you off...


Voice of Illmuzik Radio
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 83
Oh fuck yeah if we are gonna bush bash I can do that to the extreme and not as a trend ....
The entire strategy of this whole thing is off, I guess cuz all their friends are making money off Iraq then the actual rebuilding of a nation wasnt thought any further than that..building contracts...They obviously didnt do ANY research on the people tribes or cultures of what they were getting into and now its a damn mess with 3000 civilains dying a month!!

Not forgetting the 3000 troops.

Afghanastan should have been finished first stabilize that country for the first time in God knows how long..40 years? Cut the opium production right off thereby tackling the "War on drugs" and help a good people get their shit together and ....Finding and killing ALL of Al-Qaeda even if they are in Pakistan...THEN if they wanted to go play in the sandbox ....fine...But they didnt finish the real war before lying to all of us and starting a new one when Iran and Korea are the actual threat...By stopping Saddams crazy ass they allowed Iran the freedom to do shit in Syria ans Lebanon unchecked thereby almost getting Wings killed...
THUS they havent paid shit attention to anything that has happened in the past 40 years!

Dont foget you history buffs that this war is being brought to you by the same guys that lost vietnam...even Kissenger is in the white house as much as he ever was in the 70's and hes still tryin to win using a defunct proven bad strategy!!!

Thanks for the link Formant!!
Done, but Im just getting warmed up.
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