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  1. SpLitPerSonaliT

    syncing up reason on 2 lap tops

    anyone know how to sync up reason with another persons reason, me and my friend are tryin to sync up reasons using a midi sync clock but we can't figure out how to do it anyone ever tried this and what did u use as a midi sync clock and how did u do it we just can't figure it out
  2. SpLitPerSonaliT

    using motif sounds with reason

    thanks everyone for the help yo 504 did a cd with all the sounds for the motif come with the motif I forgot? Yo shonsteez i don't see u on aim no more homes whats crackin
  3. SpLitPerSonaliT

    using motif sounds with reason

    I use my motif 6 keyboard as my midi controller for reason 2.5 anyone know if its possible to use the sounds that are built in my motif on reason, i don't think u can but i thought i'd ask just incase thanks
  4. SpLitPerSonaliT

    Just Let It Go

    I listen to both mainstream and underground, and i agree both are getting really repetive with their content, got to admit tho, when i'm fuct up at a party and i hear some krunk shit or somthin like g-unit i do enjoy it because at that moment i'm totally agreeing with what their rappin about...
  5. SpLitPerSonaliT

    Make basslines that will literally make someone shit themselves!

    I don't kno if the brown note will actually make someone shit themselves but i do know that one of Hitlers brainwashing techniques was that before he would do a speech, all through the town he would have huge speakers playin a low bass frequency that no one could hear but it would vibrate their...
  6. SpLitPerSonaliT

    Who would you bring back?

    Ol Dirty bastard
  7. SpLitPerSonaliT

    Beats on Rap Albums

    I think possibly that alot of people respondin to this thread are bein a little too cocky sayin that most hip hop albums comin out lately have mostly wack beatson them, I think a professional producer would be able to hear these beats and notice how much work actually goes into producing them
  8. SpLitPerSonaliT

    findin protools serial and licence number HELP!

    what do u mean the sku? thanks 4 the help
  9. SpLitPerSonaliT

    findin protools serial and licence number HELP!

    Lost my protools serial/license number HELP please I lost the card that had the serial and license number for my protools on it and now I want to install protools on my new lab top. Does anybody know if I can finds those numbers on the actual program somewhere, like when i turn protools on on...
  10. SpLitPerSonaliT

    What would you do with 80 bones

    i just had 80 bucks 2 weeks ago and bought one of those sample cds with all the mpc drum sounds, those are the best way i think to get good bangin drums and its always worth the 80
  11. SpLitPerSonaliT

    The demise of Hip-Hop by Eurydice

    thats funny truth i never really thought about it like that, like our parents tell us that the music we listen to is crap, we're already doin the same exact thing to the next generation of music, i guess we're too old to appreciate what has become of rap, fuck it let the young kids enjoy it...
  12. SpLitPerSonaliT

    How To Sell A Beat

    ok, now Check it out DEUCE
  13. SpLitPerSonaliT

    How To Sell A Beat

    hey Deuce, i'm askin myself the same question these days one of the best answers i've came up with is gettin a business card and a website, put the website on the card and promote your website put everythin you want people to know about your business of sellin beats on the site give them the...
  14. SpLitPerSonaliT

    The official 50 Cent thread

    Isn't it kinda funny that all this controversy is happening just as 50 cents new cd is about to come out, its probably all a scheme to sell more cds and its got all you peoples pantys up in a bunch makin noise about it just like they want you to
  15. SpLitPerSonaliT

    does digging make you wanna play

    YO mr. mello, that exact same shit happened to me, I have been samplin since i was a little kid and after a while i was like dude instead of just jackin these fools riffs i wanna make my own, so i learned to play the keys and now i jam with any musician i meet and record it with my little tape...
  16. SpLitPerSonaliT


    yep i have crates of em why do you ask?
  17. SpLitPerSonaliT

    Looking For A Good Anthem Sample...

    this myte sound wierd cuz i'm high right now, but u ever heard that old 50s song, it goes DUM DUM DUM DUM DUM DUMBI DOOMBI DUM DUM DUM DUM DUM WAH WAH WAH WAHHHOOOHH, I made a beat samplin that for the chorus and it was the bombest anthem song i've ever heard, u jus gotta find that song and...
  18. SpLitPerSonaliT

    Got Disco ????

    yeah disco to me would sound a whole lot like gangsta rap if you added that hip hop back beat to it, I have disco records and its too easy to make beats off it, disco basslines are identical to gangsta shit
  19. SpLitPerSonaliT

    Your strangest record

    Yo COMING SOON, I got jesus christ superstar too, Your right you can make hella off that record
  20. SpLitPerSonaliT

    The N word (yea i went there)

    i hate it wen white kids say it but because of how popular hiphop culture is that word is everywhere. In popular culture today for young kids hip hop is like the coolest thing around everybody mimmiks the lifestyle everyone wants to be a part of it because look how cool rappers are portrayed to...