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  1. trykome

    no more girlfriend.... screw it, im ordering a mail order bride.

    sorry to hear that Cold seems like thats been going around ala my thread about my girl leaving me haha i say to hell wit it all man all women are crazy
  2. trykome

    OMG......... I pod dj set up

    yeah i hear yah BUT WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY i want my wax to stay if the end comes i will revolt against the digi world hang up my puter lol become an analog freak and destroy all the toy ass "CD DJ'S" ok sorry i needed to get that out
  3. trykome

    Make basslines that will literally make someone shit themselves!

    i thought that was what main stream hip hop was for ? Nelly makes me wanna shit myself lol
  4. trykome


    yeah so we can take over the world and be Bill Gates free hahahaha
  5. trykome


    hahahahahahaha lmao damn that was funny
  6. trykome


    ahhhh the pleasures of a mac
  7. trykome

    OMG......... I pod dj set up

    the loss of vinyl will kill the DJ i have wanted to to try thr Final Scratch but i am a lil weary abut the sound that the scratcing it makes PLEASE OH PLEASE DONT KILL THE WAX
  8. trykome

    Need Logo

    thanks man ima use that for an avatar if i can figure out how that thing works
  9. trykome

    Need Logo

    Down For Mine and Trykome has double meaing spelt tricomb its the potency glands of ganja ie keif there for i be stoney and i have a laid back style not to mention im potent as hell lol the other is my nappy head Trykome my nappy head i used to be a dread DFM also could stand for Doing For Mankind
  10. trykome

    Need Logo

    what fam i need some help with a logo can anyone help me out im flat broke so the only thing i could do is put your name on everything that has the logo or when i come into money i could pay for the logo any hlp would be apreiciated the company is D.F.M. it will then be...
  11. trykome

    OMG......... I pod dj set up

    They will find away to produce enviromently sound wax i am sure becuase with out the DJs the kids have nothing but some dude pushing play on a "CD TURNTABLE" oh my gosh what the hell is that a "CD TURNTABLE" that doesnt even make sense this I-Pod deal is ridiculous i mean come on a mixer needed...
  12. trykome

    MixTape Clearance Needed?

    ahhhh ok i am all over that then thanks man i love this place like a bowl full a knowledge that keeps on burning Try What TryKome
  13. trykome

    MixTape Clearance Needed?

    cool thanks maing
  14. trykome

    MixTape Clearance Needed?

    Yo what i gotta quick question do i need to get clearence for every song i put on a mix tape..... for now im just gonna pass em out and get my name out there but i would like to evetually make some kibby on em so that is why i am wondering about this any help would be appreciated...
  15. trykome

    Does making beats lessen your pure enjoyment...

    I was going to school for Production,Recordingand Engineering and in the short time I could afford to live in Seattle and go to school I noticed that would pick the hell out of a song and be all "hey that beat could be sped up" or "I woulda put the snare a lil higher in the main mix" funny stuff...
  16. trykome

    Top 10 Hip Hop Cd Albums Of All-time

    hmmm lemme see here my top ten list right now is in no particular order...... Wu-"36 Chambers" Atmosphere-"God Loves Ugly" Biggie- "Readt to Die" Atmo & Murs-Felt Murs- End Of the Begining De La- 3 Feet high Black Sheep-Sheep in Wolves Clothing The Forest Fire Collective-You Cant See...
  17. trykome

    Really Bad Day!

    iwanna thank all of ya'll out there for the support
  18. trykome

    Really Bad Day!

    This shit had me laughing so hard i was tearing up ....
  19. trykome

    wut up....

    what up homie welcome ima new kid on the block here myself and this place is ILL
  20. trykome

    Really Bad Day!

    "before you start interviewing ass" that has to be the best way to put it lol yeah man i have been trying to figure what the hell happend and talking ot her seems to not get anywhere right now so ima squasher with a crazy azz mix tape she wont know what hit her haha sorry im evil like that i...