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  1. 2nd_Man

    Talib Kweli Eardrum

    Yeah i love this album too. i never know whether this is his best album or not, its certainly close. the best description i heard was "it is talib kweli's most effiecent album", not sure where its from, but i remember it i dont think theres a bad track on the album, it has amazin beats and...
  2. 2nd_Man

    Freaky Ish

    My guess here is photoshop. i think it would be a popular picture, big in the media otherwise, as such a symbloic picture im sure you could get someone to anaylse the photo, look for things like shadows. the position of the body, stuff like that. determine whether its photoshopped or not
  3. 2nd_Man

    2nd Man

    hey every1, just wanted to introduce myself, signed up today I started learning music and started making beats in Feb of this year. I still wouldn't call myself a beat maker, atm I'm just learning my theory, composition and keyboard. I'm also starting to learn about the more technical side as...