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  1. Dysphuncktional

    A friendly brainteaser for you smart guys...

    What do you call a sex change from female to male? ...addadictomy (say it out loud)
  2. Dysphuncktional

    Apple is getting out of hand

    Seriously, read that article dream posted or stop blabbing about it (besides the fact that its not even on topic)... (also sift through the comments, people say some interesting shit in there too in between all the morons trolling and flaming eachother) This thread started about new macs...
  3. Dysphuncktional

    Apple is getting out of hand

    could be true. you dont defrag your hard disk in *nix either... What people describe about macs, is how PCs are with a flavor of *nix as the OS. Too bad they dont really have good audio progs though for *nix...
  4. Dysphuncktional

    Just got a SH-201

    *starts staking out dreampolice's house so he can burglarize his ass*
  5. Dysphuncktional

    Apple is getting out of hand

    You got me there ;/ *stops posing and leaves the star trek convention*
  6. Dysphuncktional

    Ever Take Apart Your Midi Controller?

    Ive opened up a few without too many problems. Just be careful and look when your lifting shit off to make sure youre not pulling something loose or w/e...
  7. Dysphuncktional

    Apple is getting out of hand

    Funny you should mention this. I just copped one of those this last weekend =D! 64 kb of leetness son whut! I use it mainly for games though, im gonna hook up some dope sounds from it sooner or later though no doubt. I also have an atari 1040stf, which i use as my sequencer. Shit has 1...
  8. Dysphuncktional

    What are some good WII games?

    Super mario galaxy is hella dope. Resident evil 4 wii edition is the bomb too... Warioware smooth moves is another one of those games thats fun with other peeps... I love my wii =D.
  9. Dysphuncktional

    Happy New Years to all!

    Happy 2008 peeps!
  10. Dysphuncktional

    80's Workout music

    richard simmons sweatin to the 80s.... that shit is ill son
  11. Dysphuncktional

    SNL Dick in a box

    I live overseas. So its kinda pointless for half a dozen people trying to tell me im 'behind' lol... the entire world doesnt revolve around keeping up with the latest american tv shows. Haha box in a box is mad funny too =] I like dick in a box more though... (ehhhhhh.....the song!)
  12. Dysphuncktional

    SNL Dick in a box

    Mad dope fam! Edit: Hmmm, embedding doesn't seem to work, so here's a link: YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.
  13. Dysphuncktional

    anybody else get seasonal depression?

    Everyone is different. Just because its easy for you to deal with doesnt mean its as easy for everyone. Just because someone suffers from this more than another doesnt mean they're some kind of social outcast. And just because you dont have a lot of probs with it doesnt mean you are some kind of...
  14. Dysphuncktional

    anybody else get seasonal depression?

    I suffer it a bit too. Its brain chemistry... You have something called serotonin in your body. This is basically the stuff that keeps you on your toes during the day, helps you manage your anger, influences a bit of your mood etc. etc. People who suffer from phobias often have significantly...
  15. Dysphuncktional

    The truth of global warming being ignored.

    Ive heard many sides of the story, I just dont have a goddamn clue wtf im supposed to believe anymore... I do think man underestimates mother nature though...
  16. Dysphuncktional

    Anyone thought of this

    nice.... blues and jazz and shit? I see some 78s while diggin but its mostly classical And on the stylus ish, you def dont need an old ass tt to play 78s properly. You can buy a brand new 78 cartridge/stylus, just swap em around before playin, or use some spare deck with it always...
  17. Dysphuncktional

    Anyone thought of this

    I wouldnt play 78s with your regular stylus, unless you want to damage them of course... Also if its from before the 50s, your regular phono preamp with standard RIAA curve equalization will cause the shit to sound different (not in a good way), since they didnt have the RIAA standard back...
  18. Dysphuncktional

    The Nature of a Threat

    This is hella old. Classic though... The part where he raps about thanksgiving and baghdad TURKEY (wtf turkey???) is idiotic though. There are some other things he says im not really feelin. Not all white men in history were homosexual. Not only white poeple eat other people... (congo...
  19. Dysphuncktional

    Overall, the most important production instrument

    I see what yall are sayin, but if you want to emulate any instrument accurately you at least have to have some idea and feel of how they work. a drum part with 10 sounds playing at the same time will always sound fake. a guitar with no strumming, 8 notes at once etc will sound fake. also for...
  20. Dysphuncktional

    Sorry Stress , 2good, the conspiracy is over.. =)

    I dont buy the whole official story either, but what you have to consider is: thinking the government orchestrated something so elaborate implies that they are actually competent...