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  1. K

    Linux & Music

    Does anyone here use a linux O/S reather then Windows for producing beats ? linux is a bitch to set-up, but once its up and running, virus,bug's,freeze's and error message's are a thing of the past, i know servers use it and microsoft programmers, programed Windows with it (still do infact) ...
  2. K

    Why Would Russians Hate Black People

    Banana's ? really, that would have been VERY EXPENSIVE, maybe they thought they were throwing him a gift, banana's in russia are hard to get and costly, I would have consitered it a very nice but WEIRD jesture, I hope Anson said Thank-you.
  3. K

    Out of tune piano sample

    Find a good sound designer in your area and pay him to produce a sound close to or similer to RZA piano sound **************************************************************************** Though if you need a grimmy piano sound to sample get : <font color = "green">Fat Waller -The Reefer...
  4. K

    Fl 5

    import MP3's, ABOUT TIME !
  5. K

    creating websites

    1) Im just starting up, already have afew intrested client's, I'll post the link's once im done 2) You can use any word editing software to make a web page (i.e notepad) you just have to have a good sound understanding of HTML, good for just starting out, mucking around with HTML ect... I use...
  6. K


    Royce 5'9 - Death is Certain
  7. K

    Just saw one of the most "moving" movies in a long time

    Your not wrong BASTARD the movie was boring, I though it was too try-hard, I was told by so many people to see this film, only to put it on and turn it off walking away with nothing, if you want moving, see these Happiness (A MUST see) Storytelling (Funny, GREAT script and acting)...
  8. K

    Finding the notes to a sample....

    Get to know a bass player to come in and replay it, their is also a device that converts .WAV to MIDI, do a search for it on the net
  9. K

    Creativity Block

    We all get it, what do you guy's do to overcome it ? have a read of this....... <center><font color="green">George Gamez, Ph.D.</center></font color> The Invisible Wall A wall is any obstacle that gets in the way of accomplishing our goals. It is a block to expressing our creativity...
  10. K

    Bush Votes?

    <center> G.bush pass's a bill for a new flag for a new America </center> <center><img src = "" hight=100 width=150></center>
  11. K

    70s Rock LPs from Goodwill

    Dig for Libary Music, you can never go wrong. 70's rock are great for drums.
  12. K

    R'nB group ATL got Robbed in my City (Birmingham, uk)

    Jewelry was prob fake, now that would be funny. Any one wanna buy a real deal 100% rolex ?, I'll send the warrenty in the mail later ;).
  13. K


    Alright there are afew groups Hilltop and 1200 they aint bad, but if putting on a accent is fake and not "real", how about Australian producers sampling American stuff ? to me theres no difference, if their going to be so aggressive about rappers using accents then they should go all the way to...
  14. K


    What are your thoughts on accents in Hip-Hop, if you have had the misfourtune of hearing any "aussie hip hop" your ears may still be recovering, what does it come down to ? is putting on an American accent from a rapper outside the US really a big deal ?
  15. K

    How's the hip hop Scene Where you're at??

    the scene down here is, well there is no scene, we get about 4-5 underground acts each year, and even then you have to stand the torture of aussie rapper's as opening act's.
  16. K

    The software we've all been looking for!!!

    <font color="darkgreen"> This has to be a joke, you would have to be stupid or at least 13 to buy that, have a closer look at the screenshot, what do you notice as the background image of the program ? PCDJ logo, go to,, one look at there website and you know they DID'NT make...
  17. K

    Loosing a beat...

    I have the same thing happen alot, and it only pisses me off ! sometimes it better to just ignor it, it will only lead to fustration.
  18. K

    Producers that people forgot about

    L.T Hutton, Madness 4 Real & 7L
  19. K

    Eminems Layerd Vocals

    Do you mean adlibs ? when I produce tracks, I get my artist to do 3 tracks over the final main vocal track. > > > Emphasizing certain words on every bar, ON beat > > > Vocal sound effect; relating to the topic/theme on any bar applicable. i.e, laughing. > > > Emphasizing certain words on...
  20. K

    Korg Legacy Collection

    Has anyone used these plug-ins ?, Ive read afew articals and it sounds pretty useful.